Friday, January 7, 2011

Reflecting over 2010

Cheers to New Years, I made it through another year without any TRAGEDY! 

Kristina’s Highlights for 2010 – Summary - A year full of learning a lot about me

January- I rang in the NY starting at Uptown Bar and Grill on McKinney Ave. It had become my favorite local hangout, went to Palladium ballroom (yuck) with a variety of newly made friends. I learned that going out and celebrating New Years is just a waste of money. I started my 3 month contract position with Mary Kay after being unemployed for 4 months. I was so thankful to be back at work and met a lot of wonderful ladies while working there.

February-I was thoroughly enjoying the single life with my friends, my cousin got arrested, I bailed her out (lesson learned, don’t bail anyone out of jail), cousin moved out and I started helping plan a wedding that I would for the first time be a brides maid in. WOW- We got so much snow, it was amazing.

March-For the first time EVER I was single, living alone and learning to just love me. I started working at RR Donnelley as a temporary employee while finishing up my assignment at Mary Kay. Jenna’s wedding, St Patty’s Day parade and a HUGE relief was getting Care Credit paid off. I had co-signed on it for a friend. (lesson learned, never co-sign for anyone)

April-Unfortunately for me, I don’t recall anything “special” in this month. I was just working, having a lot of fun being young, single, having breakups and makeups with friends and getting comfortable with just loving and taking care of  me. (lots of lessons learned)

May-I met a BOI, Man Friend, someone that would become my Boyfriend and would end up being my Best Friend - Jason M. Mauldin. I am sure a few other things happened this month as well, but this is the highlight for me. I learned that I could still be me and have a guy in my life.

June-I became a girlfriend, after being single for a little over a year. I was ready and it was nice. This month was full of dates, texts, emails, cards, talks, walks and getting to know one another. I learned that my love language is gifts, that it is okay and doesn't make me the least bit materialistic. Meredith’s birthday bash (pool party).  I saw Wicked at Music hall, J and K created a shared calendar. Lots of pool time.

July- I took my first trip to the lake house with The Mauldin’s & Visinskys. I had a lot of anxiety about this event, but it wound up being wonderful. I experienced seeing fireworks on the water in a boat for the first time. It was beautiful and a wonderful holiday. GG’s B-Day, B’s wedding shower at Red’s and Christine’s wedding. Lots of love in July. I learned how awesome Jason will be at planning the wedding.

August-We took a lake trip with Meredith, Bridget & Lance. I jumped off THE BRIDGE it was very scary. B’s Bachelorette party in Ft. Worth. I learned that I will not be having one of these, but doing something a little more memorable than a drunken night of debauchery. J and I took our first own trip to the lake alone. I made tie die shirts that turned out awesome. So awesome, that I was going to give them to my friends, but decided to keep them for myself. This loving and doing for me has turned out nicely.

September-We went to the lake with J’s family for Labor Day weekend. This would be the last lake trip for the summer, celebrated Doc’s B-day, B’s wedding in Destin, FL. I learned the true meaning of Bridezilla and that I will never hold the position of maid of honor again. I went to my first SMU game and tailgate.

October-I did Camp Gladiator, State Fair (J, Red, Chancy and Me) Harper turned 4(Witches ball at J’s parents), me 30 (party at The Elbow room, stayed at The Joule), had the best B-Day ever, started going back to church (first one with J’s parents at HP Methodist), went to New Orleans for the first time and it was on Halloween weekend with J’s family. I learned to come to terms with being 30

November- I laid low for the most part, went to the Lake with J’s family for Thanksgiving, drove in to Austin and met more of the family on Thanksgiving day. It was heart breaking to me that Katie was in jail for her 30th B-Day. Kevin’s car accident. I learned that my family never ceases to amaze me and how evident it is that my family is essential comprised of just me. I truly am okay with this.

December-I took(well he drove) Jason to First Monday and Santa Land, changed my hair color back to dark, celebrated our 6 month anniversary, volunteered at Scottish Rite, Sam’s B-day,  had dinner at Ojeda’s with a ton of J’s family, back to the lake for New Years(taking my knowledge from last years NY) weekend. Lidia got engaged, December 16th to be exact! I learned that I tend to make things more than they really are in my head and I will be celebrating Christmas next year and every year after that.

This was a year with lots of lessons learned as I know every year is. My goals from last year consisted of wanting to work on my debt and finding myself. I certainly did that. I hoped to have a permanent place of employment and even though that did not happen I am so thankful for what I do have. Somewhere in 2010 I tried fresh oyster’s for the first time and managed to finally start falling in love with the city. I think it had something to do with falling in love with what I call a townie.  2011 I hope again to get a permanent job, to be more physically fit, to have that last little bit of debt paid off, to be more involved in church (or at least going more regularly), to be active in my sorority alumnae group and to take a vacation like I never have. 

Oprah reminded me-
 "When you know better you do better."
Maya Angelou
"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better."

Some of my favs-
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them."
Maya Angelou
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
"We need much less than we think we need."