Friday, September 16, 2011


This weekend is going to be a jolly good time. I am sitting here at the factory eagerly waiting for the 5:00 whistle. I am interested to see if what I anticipate at this moment for the weekend will be what actually happens. 
After work I am heading home to meet J. We will go to the gym and sweat our fat out. Maybe not all of it, but more than we would if we didn’t go at all. It amazes me how much weight he has lost and I am still at the same exact digit we started. Oh well at least I haven’t gone up a number I suppose. After workout we will pick up some Subway for dinner or some sort of sandwich or maybe we will get manicures and pedicures and then something to eat. How this plays out will depend on time all together.
Saturday morning will be for baking. Maybe we do some baking on Friday night and then Manicures and Pedicures on Saturday. Yeah, that sounds like a better bet. I hope to get a little workout in on Saturday. If my package arrives at his house we will make a quick run over there to pick up. I did a little online shopping this week.  Then we will get ready and head to the SMU game. I am excited because I didn’t get to make last weeks. I hope the weather is nice.

Sunday, we will go to Church and then have lunch. I was thinking that we may be able to go to the movie and finally see The Help. We have been trying to see that for the past three weekends now. We shall see if it happens or not.

Here is to some good baking, a win for SMU, a weekend workout session and a movie.