Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My first autographed book

I wrote a post awhile back with the letter I had sent to Ms. Handler hoping she would sign and return the books. To my surprise the books were signed and she even picked up the extra postage.  I could not believe it. It was like my birthday all over again. I made sure to stay true to my roots and like a good Ole Fashioned Southern girl I mailed her a thank you card and for the fun of it placed this picture in it. I figure Chelsea might appreciate some Texas made Vodka. I wonder who the lucky person will be that gets the second book. Maybe I will keep both of them for myself. 
This is proof that you never know what you may get if you do not try for it.
Chelsea you rock!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I must look back over the last year and see what I spent my grand year of 30 doing.  It went by quickly, but I felt like I did a lot as well. I think this is a good sign, because I must have lived in the moment for some of it.  I feel as though I have truly learned how to appreciate, want and need some alone time. It has taken me a long time to get to this point, but it sure does feel good.

The most important for me this year is that I GOT A JOB!!!! I spent 29 and 30 being either unemployed or in a temporary position. It was awful and I could not be more excited. I took Friday the 21st off and spent the day shopping, hanging with some old friends and going to Wills Point's homecoming football game. 

Let me see what I can come up with before I go back and look at photos, read blogs or check calendars. I know that I got 14 inches cut off my hair and donated it. That felt good, but I really miss my long hair. Since then I have not colored my hair and for the first time since I do not know when find out what my natural hair color is. It has been a grueling process, but I think by next year I will be there. I joined a gym and got a two year membership. We have worked out a lot. I am ubber proud of us. I took my first cycling and zumba class. I got to travel a few times to some new places. Kemah, Houston, New Orleans, St. Louis and Costa Rica. I really kicked off babysitting on the side and made a few extra thousand dollars. I went to the Dallas Arboretum for my first time. I scratched a handful of things off of my bucket list. Like ziplinning, traveling to a a few remote locations and a few things I did not know that I would enjoy so much. Chocolate massages and swimming in Volcanic water. They would have been on the list for sure.  I joined a few clubs and organizations that I have been wanting to do for some time now.  I got rid of some stuff in a yard sale. I hope to get another one going next year. We made it to church a lot more than I have in the past few years 

Okay, so let me look back on the calendar and see what stands out enough to be “blog” worthy.  I found out I have “runner knee” and it has hindered me from being able to run more than two miles. It makes me very sad. I was getting involved in a lot of runs, we were doing fun runs, we did the St. patty’s day 5-K, the Katy Trail 5-K, the Warrior Dash 5-K and the Dublin Dr. Pepper. They were fun while they lasted until I wound up getting an MRI done on my knee cause the pain was too much. I think this is why I found myself in the gym. I managed to make it through almost all my close friends momunemtal turning 30 birthday’s. I have a couple that are a little younger, but for most of them it was our year. That seems enough for now. 

I feel like I should also cover the things that did not go so well this year. The first one being the bad car accident my little brother was in. That same accident also shut what little communication I had with my immediate family off completely. The most devastating part of it all was the relationship between my little brother and I is no more.  Sometimes I think when I can not be hardened anymore there is a something else to put me in my place. Jason’s bike and computer got stolen at my place. His computer, well he left the car door unlocked, but his bike they straight up sniped the cord and took it.

The things I am thankful  for my health, no sickness so far. I am thankful for my friends, my boyfriend and my happiness in life. We know I am so thankful for my new job I can not even find words to describe it. I am thankful for being able to travel, life and my car. That may sound strange, but I see people walking, waiting for busses and riding bikes in the cold and I always think to myself how thankful I am for my car.

The things I hope for in 31. More church, working out, debt paid off, travel, success at work, organization involvement and happiness throughout. 

 October Rooftop Hotel Joule

November The Mauldin's Lake House

December The Mauldin's Lake House

Januray Sunset Lounge Girls Night Out
Feburary My Place
March Greenville Ave
April Bastrop, TX
May Byron Nelson
June The Mauldin's Lake House
July Kemah, TX
August The Rainforest
September Richardson, TX