Friday, June 29, 2012

Check Mark

Jason and I had a great time having some dinner at The Melting Pot. We had both been to Simply Fondue before, but it had been 10 plus years for each of us. We have been talking about going to either one for probably about as long as our relationship has been in existence. We were out a couple days prior having our number one luxury, Sushi and I suggested that we just go ahead and plan to do some fondue on Friday night. Did we really have the money, NO? Was there even a special occasion to use for justification for such a lavish dinner, NO? We were able to find some amazing coupons to help make it a little cheaper, NO? Sometimes you just got to go for it and so we did. We had a great time, one of the 8 menus they hand you in the beginning stumped us a little and if we went back we could probably make better decisions on what to order. Most importantly to me is that we did it and we experienced something new together. That is what life is about to me. Making memories, learning new things and experiencing all the cool things this world has to offer us. 
Jason being a trooper for Kristina's photo shoot - Documentation is a must!

Banana Foster's = Very Yummy

If you were to ask me Melting Pot or Simply Fondue I would say Simply Fondue. I think Jason would agree. It has been awhile since we have been there, but we both kind of remembered it being the same. Melting pot is a more luxurious fondue dining experience if that is what you are looking for. Simply you kind of get down and dirty on the cooking the side. I think the pricing on both is comparable if I recall correctly. So make sure you to take a day and go and do something that you said you have been wanting to and never did. I think you will be glad you did.