Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bathroom VS Kristina

I got so frustrated with my bathroom this morning. I have had the sniffles all week and this is not how I intended my day to start. My apartment is so damn small. I must stay organized in order to find anything. After time it is just easier to get lazy and trash things in the back of the cabinet. You know how you just stuff, shove and shut the door hoping it settles before you need to open it again. I think we have all been there. Anyhow, I was fed up when I could not find my baby powder this morning. Grrrrr…. To only see it was right in front of my face the entire time. I started looking around at the bathroom floor to see maxi pads, boxes of q-tips, an assortment of travel baggies and just some other miscellaneous items. I had just been pulling stuff out of everywhere. I instantly started to giggle inside and out. I quickly grabbed some of the items to place back inside the cabinets. A brief moment of being juvenile swept over me and I felt the need to hide my behavior with the cluster behind the closed door. Whatever may have happened I realized that the bathroom and I would be going to war as soon as I got home from work. I will win. I was in no mood to mess with this right now.

Bathroom cleaning has begun, shower and bath first. I am on round two with my scrubble bubbles and trusty brush when I think to myself how disappointed my mom would be in me if she saw this nasty tub. If she taught me anything, it was that one must always keep a clean bathroom, sheets on the bed and remember to kill with kindness. I couldn’t let another moment pass, so I took a break and made sure to send her a letter and that letter is what brought me to this blog entry. Besides I needed a break and the grunge needs to soak. I was working on a solid honey do list. I sure do enjoy making that list, especially when my honey do likes to get them marked off as quickly as possible. Writing my mom is like having a pen pal and it is kind of fun. Especially when I think that I may possible bring a smile to her face. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy and to have all I felt she deserved. I had to learn along the way sometimes what you think may make someone happy is not really what does. So, you have to let them be and allow them to be in charge for their own happiness.

I would call bathroom vs Kristina a tie, because I only got half of it completed. However, since I didn’t get the other half done until 5 days later I will say the bathroom won. Gosh darn it, better luck next time or perhaps I do not let it get so bad next time.