Friday, September 7, 2012

Where’s your head at – Basement Jaxx

Monkey Business
I’m Nick Jones of Urban Urban Magazine based in London, the premier electronic dance music (EDM) magazine. In a previous life, I was an internationally touring DJ, considered by some to have been one of the top 3 EDM DJs in the world. Now retired, I serve as the technology editor for Urban Urban.  I search for and research the latest innovations in music technology.  Several months ago I received an email from a Dr. Heinz Sinnreich, a German research scientist. He indicated that he’d developed something that would revolutionize pop music. He invited me to his lab to witness this development in action.  He was vague and evasive, and a research scientist involved in music innovation was an odd occurrence, but my curiosity was piqued.

I caught a cab and gave the driver the address Sinnreich had provided. The driver gave me a strange look, but proceeded to drive me to an industrial area an hour east of London. As he pulled into an alley next to an ambulance I asked “Man, are you sure this is the right place” He replied ominously “Yes, sir. I’ve been here before.”

As I entered the building strange things began. A man was being wheeled out to the ambulance with a guitar in his hand. As he lifted his head he seemed to stare right through me. Continuing down the hall, I passed nurses and doctors in lab coats carrying more instruments. Something different was definitely going on here. I entered a room off the hall where several doctors were convening. “Hey I’m looking for Dr. Sinnreich. I’m Nick Jones.” Dr. Sinnreich introduced himself and the other doctors exited the room. 
We moved to Dr. Sinnreich’s office, where his tall, blonde assistant joined us. A stuffed monkey was seated next to my chair and a quick glance around the room informed me that monkeys were probably going to be the central theme of this quacks research. He began detailing for me his innovation, known as “Monktronika.” I was done with this visit almost instantly, teaching animals to play instruments is nothing new and is no innovation at all. Sensing my lack of interest and disdain the doctor quickly asked me for 10 more minutes of my time to allow him to provide me a demonstration.

I was led down a makeshift hallway that resembled a gerbil’s habit trail, which ended in a protective box. When I asked why this was necessary they abruptly replied “It’s protocol.” The demonstration began. Whatever I expected, this was definitely not it. The “Monktronika” musicians were no ordinary monkeys. I wasn’t sure what the hell they were.  It took me a moment to get past my astonishment, but I soon realized that these monkeys had faces that were eerily human. The music was truly amazing, but what the hell had these people done? What had they created? The Monktronica musicians were spinning records, playing keyboards, strumming guitars and most bizarre, their humanesq faces were singing vocals! This was definitely an amazing accomplishment for both science and music. I must admit I got quite caught up in experience.   

This elation did not last long. Things suddenly took a terrible turn. The monktronica band became highly agitated and began destroying their instruments. Before I could react they had descended upon my protective, habit trail box. Monkey paws were ripping at the box and punching through the plastic. I looked for an escape and ran back down the habit trail hallway looking for an exit. The first double doors I came upon were locked. Turned, ran the other direction. I next stumbled upon a lab with an experiment in progress.  A man and a monkey were seated side by side. My eyes were immediately drawn to the metal helmets both were wearing. The helmets were connected to one another via electric cables. I now knew what was going on. I stumbled around the room trying to figure out what to do and how this was happening. The monkey growled and gnashed his teeth at me. There were scientific flow charts indicating the process of this horrible experiment. A man in a lab coat who was running this process was in possession of my bag, which I had left in Dr. Sinnreich’s office. He was sorting through my possessions. There was a picture of me posted nearby and next to it… a photo of a monkey. They wanted my brain! I had to get out of there. I grabbed my bag from the clutches of the lab coated man and jumped through a window like opening landing on my hand and knees. Looking down at me in this next room were 4 human men, but they had clearly ape like features and faces. As I scrambled to leave Dr. Sinnreich approached from the hallway with a dog on a leash, only this dog also had a human face melted on to his canine body.  The last thing I remember as my human self was huddling at the end of that hallway.

Have you figured it out?

I am currently writing the essay at the behest of Dr. Sinnreich, for evidently, I am his greatest achievement!  This would also explain my new, quite hairy appendage!  A TAIL!!!

“What a wonderfully unexpected day. We had our third yard sale this season. We meaning Jason and I. Ruby graced us with her attendance this time around. We had a pretty successful day if I say so myself. Other than the incident we had with the the darn thief that took her phone without permission and well did not return it either.Moving on to the evening Jason had a paper that was due for class and Ruby being so eager to show her scholastic skills offered to help and even volunteered Spud since the paper had to do with music interpretation. I thought the paper above was extremely entertaining and thoroughly enjoyed watching the three off them fight off mosquitos, exchange shots of whisky and keep the thought process moving forward. Hey and after all the fun, Jason managed to score an A-. June 2012“