Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 Wrap

                    Another Day brings us to Another Year, so this is good-bye to 2012

Jason and I rang in to the New Year at my Cousin Erik’s house. I  would have never imagined myself celebrating this holiday with him. I would never be opposed to it, but just something I would not have anticipated happening. Perhaps this will be the year of surprises for me. I mean my name did get drawn out of the hat for a prize at my companies Christmas party. The invite was Don’t WIG out I am having a New Years party and we were to wear wigs. It was a ton of fun and I would not have traded the night for anything else.

What were my commitments for 2012 and how well did I do?

“For 2012 I pray to get that debt paid off, be in better shape, and have fewer vices, yard sale, to have found a church (or going to ONE more regularly) and to do a little more with my apartment. I always want for good health and love in my relationship as well. If 2012 gets any better than 2011 I cannot possible imagine what it must feel like. I smile with anticipation.”

I did pretty well. I finally got that ever lingering debt paid off, however due to some major medical bills (BOI) I had to take a little loan, but I will have that paid off at the end of next month. I am not going to sweat that. Better shape – I would like to think I am, but still not as good as I want to be. We not only had one yard sale, but I think we had three and they were so much fun. Apartment improvements are always, but I am done with that and for 2013 I wish to be out of The Cottage. Church, we did not hit the nose on yet, but still working on it. I figured out within myself throughout the year it was not as important as I once had placed it to be. I am happy with where we are on The Church front. Good Health, well everything is awesome other than my damn ovary. We are dealing and it will be okay. Love in my relationship is still as strong and amazing as it has been. Basically 2012 gets a whole lot of check marks. 

What shall I wish for in 2013?

“For 2013 I want to be out of my apartment, in better shape, more involved with some community service, attempted being a vegan, hit a 30 day challenge and played my first round of golf! Here is to rocking out 2013, it is going to be a wonderful year, this I know! Heck maybe I can even be better about blogging. At least once a month I can do this. I also plan to increase my earnings in the babysitting world, and network. Okay I think that is enough for now.”

I would like to take a few moments and reflect back on the things I feel I have learned, reflected on and experienced over the past year.  First off, I was just announced to be Charmer of the Month. It was kind of exciting. I was totally surprised and felt honored to get it. December was really good to me. I am glad I went ahead and got a second, actually third job. I have been talking about wanting to do it for years. It is nice to have something “light” and fun to do with some extra hours in my week. It was going to be seasonal, but I planned to stay on after the holidays. The fall was full of Cookies and Castles prep. I have decided that I am not going to be a part of the Tri Delta Alumnae after this year. I resigned from the book club and do not plan to pay next years dues. It just is not what I am looking for out of an organization, but I am glad I tried it out for a few years. October = ouch, I turned 32, but had the most amazing birthday. I really figured out who my family/friends are. It definitely had to look back over the photo to reflect upon all of us and how beautiful we look aging on the outside, but keeping our soul’s young on the inside.  The summer was a bit dreadful with emergency room and surgery, but we made it through. We finished it out with a trip to Vegas. It was Jason’s first and we had so much fun.
                                                                     Bring on 2013