Friday, February 1, 2013

Never underestimate

So, I have been told once or twice that my communication or replies can be long and drawn out. Perhaps I always put too many details in to the text. Whatever it maybe be I can not seem to help myself. I may need to work on this or maybe they have just accepted this piece of me. Some of my dearest and closest friends email back and forth with me occasionally. This can go on through out the day, it can be color coordinated, spastic and never completed, regardless we do it. It is a way for us to catch up on our lives since we do not see one enough near as much as we should or would like to. I always wonder about how they perceive my replies. I think they like them, because they keep coming back for more! 

One day we were going back and forth. You know reply to reply and I was reading down to only come upon the sweetest thing ever. It was so genuinely sincere that I instantly had to take it out of the email and paste to a draft. Lord knows it would get lost in the flood of those replies I must send. I wanted to put it in a special place to be able to go back and read again and again and again. Most importantly I wanted to share it.

I know there are many quotes out there about this very concept and I just want to reiterate it. Never underestimate the power of words. When they are sour they can be like paste in the tube. Once it comes out there is not putting it back in. When they are positive and encouraging, they can push someone to do something they other wise would not have. When they are sweet and thoughtful, they do as this did for me and turned a blue day into a sparkling afternoon. Whatever the words may be they are not tangible, you can not eat or touch them and you should always be thoughtful of what they are before you explode them.

The excerpt from my email is copy and pasted directly as is.

"I think this is great. I have always admired your courage. I find that most of the time my fear of failure prevents me from even questioning things…it’s like bc I don’t wanna face fear or the truth I would rather just not ask. I love that you aren’t afraid to ask! Not afraid to ask (yourself or the world) in order to find what makes you happy. I absolutely LOVE that about  you. Your persistence is what will bring happiness to all aspects of life. You will not give up until you are fully satisfied! Good for you. Can’t wait to see you at sushi!!!"

I am not near as brave as she thinks I am, but it is nice to hear and and to know that others may think I am much braver than I give myself credit for being. However, I know am not as courageous as I hope to be. However, these words from her sure did encourage me to step it up a notch or two. I say take some time to reflect and do the same, it will be good for all of us. 

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing."

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year - and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!