Monday, June 17, 2013

Ski Please

Spring Break 2013 - Best Ski Trip Ever

I was terrified and could not even begin to express the truth of my fear to Jason. Instead I sabotaged myself and tried to over exaggerate on how terrible I am at skiing. This will be my third time to hit the slopes, but first to really try and ski. Thank GOD someone told me about ski blades and kept me in love with this sport, because it truly is so much fun. My first test of faith I was 25, much more fearless. I attempted for one day and was done. I did not know where to begin or how to get up after falling, with no help I decided to at least not hurt myself and hang my poles up for now.

I have been in love with the white powder since my first trip and truly believe you should give everything a second chance, so I went again when I was 26 and the ski's were still not my friend but the rental people suggested I try snow blades. Most people that ski have no idea what these are, but they were a dream come true for me. I loved them and was so happy to make my way down the hill top, back up and down again. I would forever long for the next trip that did not take place until I was 32.

We land, get our car rental, check in the condo, go grocery shopping, get our lift tickets and ski rentals. My ski's were the real deal this time. No snow blades and with the confidence my partner instills in me I was scared, but not terrified. We really do enjoy doing the tourist thing, so we made sure to go scope out Park Cities, walk all the streets and shops of  the historic Main Street. It is just as the movies, pictures and reviews make it out to be. A great dinner and delicious ice cream cone to end the night.

Ski day number one, was good, I even made a few runs without falling. No idea how this happened, but Jason possible thinks I have filled his head with smoke and I think he is overly complimenting me on my "ski skills" either way I will take it. I am eagerly ready to go to the next slope level. I managed to bruise my arm and make some scary falls, but overall it was an awesomely successful day. Thank you!

We rush home to get ready to go in to Park City to meet up with Jason's family that was staying in Deer Valley for some dinner. The food was okay, but the company was spectacular. It was really cool to meet up with them. We enjoyed being able to do this. Making memories is the reason for life.

Day two could have been tragedy. I have a bit of a panic attack and the hard felt tears start rolling down my face. For just a few short seconds I think I am done, never again and have no idea how I am going to get out, up or down. Then before I even realize something comes out in me and says you have to do this and that is all there is to it. Deep breaths and go. I make it. Jason tells me later he thought for sure I was done. We know the value of my dollar and what I actually spent to ski meant way too much to me to chicken out. This was actually the most beautiful ski day ever. We took a 3.5 mile route that was so much fun. That was a ski wrap for this trip. The thought of doing more was exciting, but also knew I had pushed my luck and was very happy with what had taken place.

It is never too late for the hot tub after a day of anything on the snow or so I believe. We managed to make it to the hot tub every day. The scenery you get to take while in the warm bubbly truly is a mental picture you have to keep. We tried to take some photos, but they don't seem to capture the moment.

Day three we went snowmobiling. I was very excited about this since it was Jason's first time, but the trip was not all I had hoped to be. It was nice and we enjoyed it, but not spectacular. We finished up there and decided to make a spur of the moment trip over to Sundance. It was a beautiful and a breathtaking drive. I was officially high on life and so happy we decided to make this right turn. I would never really want to stay there, but it was quaint and nice for a short visit. The food was yummy.

We made our way back to the Canyons in time to see one bad ass concert and get my picture taken with Katherine Hiegl or as her husband refers to her; Katie! This was just one more cherry for the sundae. We figure this was one way to end an awesome trip. We take the gondola down for one last ride. We make a vow to certainly make it back to Utah one day.

Skiing is without a doubt a sport of luxury. It is expensive and even though we did it frugal, I was still forever thankful that I got the opportunity to make this trip. Not only will I get to see the mountains this year I already have a ticket to see the beach and that is a blessing. I am so thankful and lucky.

We had some awesome sushi for our last meal, headed over to return our car rental and get back to the airport to head home.

“Always travel with someone that loves you or is truly concerned with your safety”
“Putting off good vibes in the universe only brings you excellent ones back”

Why is a flea market, called a flea market?