Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weddings - East Coast First

Whirlwind of love from East coast to West in consecutive weekends. They were two beautiful events that I felt special to be a part of. I met a lot of people and got to know some others better than I did, so time well spent.

July 12-14-2013 Lisa and Will's wedding @ Sea Island Georgia - The Cloister

J and I spent our weekend @ St. Simmons Island it was equally as fun to venture out on, but a lot less exclusive. There are places and things I would have never experienced if we would have been all tucked away on the island @ The Cloister.

Typical Kristina desire I wanted to get to the beach as quickly as we could, so we got all checked in to the hotel, had some amazing sashimi/sushi and then off to the beach. It is just what I vision it being like in The Hamptons or on Cape Cod. I have not been to these places, so I must place my reason for comparison of this to those is strictly from the movies. We walked along the shore line, seeing so much wildlife in the water and on the beach. I couldn't get enough of it, but Jason eventually made me put my shoes back on and make plans for dinner. We went to our trusty Trip Advisor app to check out some reviews on a local joint. It treated us well enough and we enjoyed our dinner at Crab Daddy's.

 The one and only full day means rise, shine and get to the BEACH! We got our stuff together and headed to the wharf to hit some shops, get some food and then to the almost overly crowded beach. We met a nice fella sitting next to our blanket that assured me that we would find a sand dollar. After several hours of the hunt and lost time, I was sad to say good-bye with no sand dollar in hand. Next time perhaps, I smile and thank him for taking time to explain the sand dollar searching rules and helping to try and execute them as well. We had a wedding to get to.

This place was so fancy. We had to check in with the attendant before we could even cross over on the island. There was a rather large number of attendees for a destination wedding. There were over 220 to be more precise. The room the ceremony took place in was one of the original parts of The Cloister, so it was a non air-conditioned room that we were all lovingly fit in to. The ceremony was very sweet and well put. The little cricket tucked away was adding some humor and noise to the prenuptials as well.

There was a bag pipe that lead us from the ceremony to the reception. The walk was in good company with the people sitting next to us, that we had just met. It was right at sunset and the trail could not have been more perfect. It was so beautiful. We made our way over to cocktails and snacks while waiting on the Bride and Groom to make the grand debut. Then it was dances, speeches, dinner, dancing, cocktails, cake, dancing, cocktails, send off and well there were a lot of cocktails/dancing that was done. This band was amazing and the crowd participation was amazing. We had so much fun we did not want the night to end, but our sleepiness had other plans for us. No after parties for these old fogies, off to bed we went.

I am relentless and convinced we have plenty of time to go to the beach one more time, make our place in the sand, search for sand dollars a little more, go back to the wharf area to eat a lunch outside/beach view and make the trek over to this Jeckeyll Island we have been hearing about all weekend. Oh and did I mention our flight does leave on this day as well?

Do you think it all happened? Absolutely and really wasn't that rushed. BAM, what an awesome weekend.

I kept reading a little statement throughout the islands that said, once you get some island sand in your shoes you are sure to be back and I certainly believe it. I fail in love with all these little island and places in Georgia. I will definitely be back one day!

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your special day and we wish Will and Lisa a lifetime of happiness!

#stsimmons #weddingweekend #jekyllisland #lisaandwillmurphy #sanddollar