Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Farewell and Final Awards 5th grade Student of the Year

I get the honor and privilege of announcing the recipient of this year’s student of the year award. There are many students that deserve this award, but unfortunately we can only pick one.  
This student exemplifies all the characteristics we look for in a student. They have maintained a wonderful relationship with their teachers and classmates. This student is not only kind, but respectful and is always willing to help other classmates academically and socially. If there is a classmate that is struggling with behavior or content area this student will give a tap on their desk or pat on their shoulder to try and help get them back on task. This student always turns in all assignmentshomework, is self motivated and understands what is expected of them in order to be successful. This student’s ability to explain their thinking process to me and other students helps immensely. This recipient is very bright, hardworking, well disciplined, and an inquisitive student. 
He, yes I did say he passed all of his STAAR test, exceeded progress on them, participates on the basketball team, loves to read, attended all extra curricular Science events and drastically improved in Math this year and he only missed one day of school this year.  
Could you all please join me with a warm round of applause to congratulate Demariun Deckard for receiving the outstanding 5th grade award. Demariun please come receive your award.  
Congratulations and thank you for being a stellar student.