Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A terrible stay

To whom this may concern:                  Wednesday April 6, 2011

I hope this letter finds you well. I spent last Saturday/Sunday April 2nd/3rd at The Hyatt Lost Pines Resort as a guest to a wedding that my boyfriend was invited to. It was a beautiful drive up to the resort. We were welcomed by friendly valet service. We went to check in and since Jason booked the room using his reward card instead of being booked with the wedding party the lady would not give him the wedding gift bag. He went on to explain to her that the bride had specifically emailed all wedding guest informing them to let the resort know that we were there on behalf of the wedding so that we get our gift bag. It wasn’t a big deal at that moment. I was a little shocked that we were given a fight about getting the bag, but whatever. We then walk to our room which is hot and stagnant smelling, but again not the end of the world that happens sometimes right?  We will just turn the air down and a spray some air freshener. All will be well once we return.

Next we walked out to the patio dining where are friends were eating and the first thing I hear is the waitress apologizing. I looked at all the food on the table and asked what happened. Evidential the food was disappointing and none of them liked their meal. After we did our meet/greets small talk chit chat it was time to have a refreshment and relax. The reason of this weekend was to do that, see a beautiful wedding and have a little "get away". As soon as we are heading to the pool we are asked if we got our koozies and beers in our gift bag. Umm, no no we did not they would not let us have one. I am kind of irritated now. I mean it isn’t the fact that it is a huge gift, but the fact that you spend over 300.00 a night and then to not have what is rightfully yours and be able to  have what everyone else has as well. It was just crap. I will let this go for now. We will go to the pool and have our beer without our koozies . First impressions do mean a lot and this place is not starting off the way I had hoped. Especially after the four hour drive it took to get to the resort.

After having fun with everyone at the pool I decided it was time to get my bathing suit on. My boyfriend and I went back to the room for a quick clothing change. He called the front desk to see if they would just bring our bag up to our room, so we could have it when we returned. After he was transferred to a couple of different people they told him he would have to contact the bride and or the groom to have them straighten this out. I was furious at this point. He told the lady on the other end of the phone that he was not going to bother the bride or the groom on their wedding day to ask about a gift bag. I was baffled and could not believe they were really making this big of an issue out of it. It takes a lot to get me this upset and my boyfriend and I hardly ever, I mean ever get cross with one another. I wanted to grab that phone out of his hand and speak with a manager right then, but he said don’t worry about it. I stormed off to the pool. I was mostly upset because it was dumb and I mean seriously are we trying to steal a bag that wasn’t ours. Come on people. All was well after that I wasn’t going to let the petty stuff bother me anymore.

While I was getting ready for the wedding he comes in the room with our gift bag. YAY, finally we get our little treats. He informs me how they were still fighting to give it to him and finally someone came up and said look the wedding is in an hour, there are plenty of bags still back there just give him one. UNBELIVIBLE…..I will say it again, whatever…. We had drinks, pool time; get ready time, wedding time and fun time.

The wedding was beautiful, the set up was surreal, the people serving drinks were friendly, the cake was delicious, the food was bland (other guest said the BBQ served at the rehearsal dinner was disgusting. I was thankful we couldn’t make it to that and wasted another 300.00 on this “resort”) and the band was okay. A beautiful walk back to our hotel room and to call it a night. Well, it was going to be a night for me, but not for my boyfriend. It was so hot in our room he couldn’t sleep at all. This really sucks for him since he is the one that paid for the room and can’t even sleep. I suggest calling to complain, he is over it.

We get up the next morning and take a stroll over to the Golf Pro Shop to have some breakfast over there. We made a point to not go to the place our friends had eaten. It was nice, we sat outside and our waiter must have been new, but it was okay. He had a smile and tried really hard which we appreciated. We weren’t even the least bit upset when he didn’t get the food or drink order correct. I even tipped him 20%. We were just excited that the food was good. Are expectations aren’t that high anymore.

I decided I wanted to see about going horseback riding. I am not even going to go in to the details of the cluster it was trying to go through this. I will say Ann with the concierge desk was helpful and that the number you call to try and book something is never answered. I called six different times that morning and never got an answer. The lady that works in the gift shop was awesome and called over to the Pro Shop store and informed us that they had some pants over there. We needed some to go horseback riding. Awesome, we walked back over there and Josh was extremely personable and friendly. Great Service.

The bus that took us to the horse ride was like sitting in a sauna. Jason jokingly said, I love how the driver’s hair is blowing in the wind from the air and while we are stuck in the hotbox. We figured out that the Hyatt Lost Pines just simply does not believe in AC. Horseback riding was fun.

We got checked out of our room. Decided to hang out at the pool and have lunch before we headed back. We thought someone would be serving us since there were menus laid out everywhere, but yet that never happened. So, Jason went back up to the bar so he could just place an order for us. While he was gone I was getting bit by ants in my crouch because I didn’t realize the towel I was sitting on that I got from the pool area was infested with ants. It was a classic ending to a misshaped weekend. That is when we decided I will write the resort and he will write corporate.

I will go out of my way to give great customer service reports and I will also take the time to inform of a bad report as well. I think this resort needs some improving. It does have the potential to be a great resort. I personally do not care to ever stay with Hyatt again. What if they are all this bad?


Friday, April 1, 2011

Life is.....

Xavier made this table for me and I have carried it from place to place, refusing to get rid of it. I made J and I breakfast one morning and thought the set up was cute and didn't even realize how awesome it all looked on the table.

Yes, this has Jason written all over it. I love it when he surprises me with some random flowers. Take note of the table they are sitting on. Someone was giving this away at my apartment and I am going to do my first art project using it.

I remember back in college when a dear friend and I were having a Life Is conversation. I used to be the most analytical person I knew. We came up with, Life is like a roller coaster, you have your highs and your lows….

Well, that is what I used to say, but gosh I sure have been on a high for a good while now and am pretty excited about it. I want to take a few moments and make sure I account for all the things that have been taking place in my life right now. I wished I could get the “journal” like entries caught up, so I could do some writing just for fun. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. I hear it only goes quicker the older we get. No wonder our clocks go tic toc.

I finally got all my credit card debt paid off. I can’t believe it. I am so proud of myself. I thought the day would never get here. Now, I move on to the next mess to clean up. I wonder if there ever gets to a time you get to stop cleaning up messes. This one is going to take me a bit longer I do believe, but the point is I will get there. Winning the lottery seems like the better option, but guess the side job will do for now.  Side job you say, yes I do have a second gig that I really enjoy doing.  I also applied for a third one as well. Don’t get all excited and conjure up some crazy ideas. It is just babysitting, but boy the things I have learned about myself from just babysitting is an entry all alone. I even got some business cards to pass out. The families that I have given them to just think they are awesome. My friends even said I was creative. I have to be the most uncreative person I know. This compliment could have made me question the truth in the comments, but heck no I had a smile from ear to ear. It was a bit surreal when I realized I was getting paid to watch these sweet children. When I feel like I should be paying them for helping me escape reality a little bit. I am not sure if I will ever have any children of my own, but I fear how scared I may be as a new parent. I find myself obsessing over the baby monitor and going in to take peaks on them very frequent. It is kind of funny. It has just over all been a great eye opening and learning experience for me.

Moving right along, I CUT MY HAIR. It has been two weeks and I am still in shock. At least I donated it for a good cause. I am still using too much shampoo and conditioner. I can’t style it worth crap and I am constantly touching the back of it to make certain there really isn’t any hair there. I know exactly what a pooch feels like when their owner shaves them for the summer. I find myself wanting to hide under a hat. I am glad I got it hacked off. I mean it has been about 8 years. Good for the soul. Now if I can just not mess with the color for awhile I can learn what my real hair color is.

We made our way to the Dallas Arboretum. This would be my first time and I can not believe it has taken me so long to make it to this little piece of heaven on earth. It was more beautiful than I anticipated. We didn’t even get our foot in the garden and I was instantly engulfed with such pleasant aromas. They have In Bloom going on right now since a lot of the flowers are In Bloom, get it? (Awww hahaha) They also have seven whimsically designed castles based on the original classic fairy tales on display. This was pure greatness. There were one or two that we weren't even sure we really knew. Here are just a few pictures of one. Since the Little Mermaid is and will always be my favorite. I was partial to these.

There were so many beautiful girls wearing these gorgeous gowns and carrying uniquely made bouquets. I thought we would see more brides, but there was only one and she did not look very happy. We were thinking maybe it was because there was no sun shinning. I thought to myself what a bummer to be so upset and not even enjoy the day. I would rather have some happy memories and pictures in the gloom than disgruntled and anger. I think you got to go with what nature hands you. She is one thing there isn't any point in getting upset with.I may need to think of some other people and situations in my life as being the same as Mother Nature. Great example would be if it rains on your wedding day, just embrace it. Maybe easier said then done.

I think one of my favorite parts was going through the exhibit that has little houses, a church, a school and a tepee. It was explaining how towns were built, migration took place, original farming and the way of life. I think this exhibit is up year round. I could have easily stayed all day. J was probably thankful it was cold; we didn’t wear the most comfy shoes or prep the best we could have. Since it was our first go around we did well enough. We had some delish food, tasty coffees and a boat load of fun taking pictures.  We are looking in to possible getting some Concerts in the Garden tickets. I know we will for sure be back. Shoot maybe even become members. Yeah, I liked it that much.

I had no idea how amazing Wisteria smells. I think I will refer to it as Wonderfully Wisteria!

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get
-Forrest Gump I think I am going to go with this quote for now and leave the roller coaster on standstill. I can use a a medium vs high and lows. Life is beautiful and I am so thankful for mine and YOURS!

Just for fun-Authors Unknown
Life is like photography; we use the negatives to develop
Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish,
but you only spend it once
Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents
determinism; the way you play it is free will 
Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still