Thursday, June 30, 2011

A wedding weekend to always be remembered

We arrive at the departing C1-C14 terminal in DFW. The smiles and laughter are instant. Hugs are exchanged. We make our way up the escalator. The ticket personal was chipper, getting frisked was funny and we made are way through with out a bag check (shew). Off to the bar, bloody merry's to be had and girl chat to achieve.

The flight was a delight. We enjoyed our reads and short conversations in between. We made our way out to the passenger pick-up per instructions given. The encounter with the cool refreshing breeze was immediate. We wait shortly and she arrives. She being the bride-to-be. She is all perched up in her rockin girl power white 4-Door Dodge. We hop in and tunes begin. Lots of stories to be shared, dreams to be told and bad decisions to be remembered. What has been such a glorious morning had only turned into an enchanting day.

There were a few cocktails to drink while we browsed all the delightful sights of the back yard. More stories told, with a chill breeze in the air and toes crinkled in the soft friendly grass. We primped, primed and prepared for the first step of the weekend. Wedding Rehearsal

 It is a bit chaotic at first. The are a lot of introductions, hugs, pictures, stress and an enduring amount of respect being shown to the Father while we await for the tardy guest to arrive. Even though it may have seemed hectic to begin with everyone showed up according and the event went as smoothly as the cool breeze we felt when making that exit from the airport. Now we make our way to Dinner. I'm famished.

The dinner was delishes, the mother of the bride was a riot, guest were friendly, heartfelt speeches were spoken in turn and a good time was to be had. After we finished eating the venue was then shut down to an after party private bar area. I enjoyed watching everyone boogie down. We made our way back to the house for sleepy time. It had been a long eventful day for sure.

We are late...needless to say being tardy is a bit of a must have for this weekend. The manicure/pedicurist had been waiting for 45 mins. We get over there asap, drop K off for her pampering and conference call. Mer and I head to the grocery store and get prepped for some dunch (that is lunch and dinner combined) that will come later. The weather was amazing. The girls were so Hollywood getting manis and pedis poolside on a beautiful day out. The BBQ went in to the night. We had to get our bags and get to the Hotel Moonrise!

 Bobby's (aka) a lil piece of heaven - custard based ice-cream cake -Thank You GiGi

It was a slumber party and I feel this is all I can divulge on here. =-) I do want to note there does become an age where a sleeping bag for the slumber party just isn't enough. Bed Please!

Up and at em in the morning. To get hair done, makeup applied, dresses on and pictures taken. Wedding bound, break at the hotel rooftop bar and then off to the reception. Back to the hotel and sleepy time.

Rest, shower, regroup and pack. It is our last day. We were so sad to go. We had brunch at the country club with the family. One last stop at K and D's house before we are dropped off at the airport.

That is a wrap folks. Not like the rap snacks we were introduced to in St. Louie, but as in a that's all folks!

"Love is what makes people sit in the middle of the bench when there is plenty of room at both ends." -anonymous
"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards."- Benjamin Franklin
"Love does not dominate; it cultivates." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet

P.S. Please excuse my date stamp that seems to have made its way on some pictures. I didn't mean for it to be there and if so I certainly didn't want the wrong date! It just adds a little character to the pictures from the weekend. We love you K and D, congratulations and thanks for having us!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Strawberries 2/5.00

Grocery shopping with the boyfriend is always an interesting adventure. The more you do it the easier it becomes or the less frequent it happens, but either way the first few trips are funny. Over the years I have found that when shopping with a guy they always seem to think when the sale is two, three, four or so on for a set amount that they have to buy that many in order to get the price advertised. I have had numerous conversations about this before. This time it just tickled me enough that I wanted to write a little blurb about it. I made sure to take a picture of the receipt, so I would have proof that I didn't really have to purchase 2 of them to get the sale price of 2.50 even though the sign said 2/5.00.

I wonder how many woman are unpacking the bags from a mans grocery shopping and comes across a few extras of the promotional items. I probably find humor in this since I worked as a cashier for so many years.