Thursday, March 15, 2012

Killing a couple of birds with one stone

You may describe someone as a tree hugger, go green activist, recyclers, resourceful, humble, frugal or just down right smart. You may even have a better word to describe them based on certain actions. Whatever it may be you can certainly call me that. It was a few years back that I decided I could not trash my pickle jars. They just seem too durable of an item to use for something else. I was not sure what, but I was not going to discard them with items that suite the description of trash. I love pickles and think they go fabulous with every meal. There are so many different choices and I find that each brand that carry the same flavor has its own distinct touch as well.

I started off using them as drinking glasses. They clean easy and are hard to break. I wound up with more than enough drinking glasses, so I started to Google more uses for them. Pinterest was not so prevalent at this time. I did however find a few more around the house uses for them. I got to a point where I figured I had enough pickle jar accents floating around my 660 square foot den. I decided to just start stashing them away in the far back hard to reach cabinet area. They would come to use someday. Maybe I will host a party or give them as a gift. I was browsing Pinterest one day and came across a couple of ideas I decided to incorporate in one and finally get to utilize my jars. I think the pictures tell the story of how I got to use my pickle jars. I was able to give the girls in the office a gift for Valentine's Day. I got compliments and praise for them. I cleaned out my cabinet. I had fun and felt a little creative. This is a lot to get out of one project. 

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