Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thankful for Thursday Thanksgiving

What am I thankful for in no particular order -

1. My BOSE speakers in my car, so I can listen to my music extremely loud

2. For all my friends

3. My good health
4. The luxurious food options I get to choose from
5. Gummy Bears
6. My apartment

7. For my job I had at EWN

8. The team of teachers I work with
9.  Navigation
10. Family support I have
11. House shoes
12. Wine

13. Birthday celebrations

14. Coffee

15. My job

16. My college degree
17. Games
18. My car

19.Impromptu outings


22. My Hair

23. Flowers


24. A good quote

25. Jaxon
26. US
27. The Spa
28. The money I have in my account

That is a wrap and cheers to next year. I love you all. Sincerely, Ms. Burkley

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