Monday, December 17, 2018

First Family Outing - 7/19/16

We walk in the door, put our name on the list and wait. There isn't a spot for us to wait comfortable, so we are scrunched in by the bar area, wishfully hoping that our little tot doesn't wake. The first thing I noted was how loud the restaurant was. The silverware crashing on to one another, being rolled up to place on the tables. The glasses clanking together where the bar tender is putting the clean ones away. It brings me great joy that I am empathetic for my little boy. I love that I can try to put myself in his shoes in all our first adventures to try and relate to what he may be hearing, what could be startling and recognizing all the new things for the first time just as he is.  Our first family of three outing was a riot. We sat down for dinner, all was going accordingly to plan. I had pumped before we came and prepped a bottle, so feeding could be done by me or Dad. I also, get a little anxiety about nursing at the dinner table. I went to give him his bottle and to my surprise the lid wasn't screwed on properly. Therefore, half of it on me and the other on him. It seriously looks like I peed on myself and I feel like the sticky you get from a sucker. I make the journey to the restroom to clean up as best as I can. Wishing I had an extra outfit in the bag like he does. I make a mental note to self, while I am nursing I should go ahead and keep an extra outfit on hand as well.  

Now  we are out of the milk we had planned to use and get us through our grocery shopping adventure that was next on our list.  This was a big outing for two new parents. We were going out to dinner at Olive Garden and  HEB. We muddled our way through dinner, were thankful for our food, he was peaceful, packed up and made our way to the grocery store. As we walk  in the door I get a whiff of that unpleasant smell that screams somebody needs a diaper change. That smell that will come natural to you for years to come.  I give my husband the defeated smile, grab the bag and let him carry on with the list while I go change the little nugget. To my dismay the cleaning restroom sign is displayed.  So, I'm waiting in line with the others until I start to feel something wet. Yup, the diaper was leaking poop on my hand. Don't you worry,  I took it like a solider, held my baby close and waited. It felt like eternity, but we made it. We got all cleaned up and ready to go. Or I was ready to go, and he was ready to eat, again.  So, I would have to go find a spot in the pharmacy area to sit and nurse. Thankfully it was late, they were closed, the waiting area would be dark and calm. Jason is ready to check out about the same time as I was finishing up. I swaddle my bundle of adventure up and joined Dad in the walk to the car. I never made it past the front section of the store but, was proud of us for trying and most importantly getting out. Getting out can be the hardest thing to do for new parents. It seems so daunting. 

I have missed writing my blogs, I have all these little entries I scratched down when I was able over the past two years and decided today is the day I bring writing back into my life and get all these little scratches of notes into an entry.  I am reflecting on this memory and start to feel anxious when I think about what taking two little guys out will be. I wonder what our first family of four outing will look like. Cheers to motherhood, it is a beautifully messy thing. 

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