Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Kristina is the name and always trying to just enjoy life is the game. I am not sure what made me decide to start blogging. It just hit me like an asteroid shooting out of the sky.  I came in to work today with nothing to do. It is the day before Thanksgiving and almost everyone is off of work today. The silence in the office is slowly forcing me to go hide somewhere and take a nap. In order to keep awake I start typing, probably annoying the others that are dozing off, but I have to do what I can to help make this day pass. I am sick and tired of looking for a job and have everything printed out to read about getting my teacher certification during my holiday away at the lake. I mean I am 30 and should figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

(30, full of smiles, color, flavor and happiness)
 My birthday cake could not have described my life more perfectly.

I have been having all these revelations since I turned 30. There is just something about turning 30 that makes people act crazy, force themselves in to something they didn't really want, or trying to justifying what they do or don't have at this time. I am going to stereotype a little here and say this probably happens more to females than males. My revelations crack me up and amaze me at the same time. I thought instead of letting them get lost in my head, never to be remembered I better get to typing. Not to mention how cool it will be to look back and read when I get older. I know these things will seem so minuscule in comparison to what will be going on in my life at that time. That is usually how it works isn't it?  Blogging to me is just an electronic format of a journal that others can read if they want and I kept a journal until I finished college, so why not...

Okay, enough about that and here we are. I am excited about this new blogging thing. I read my friends that write them about travels, reviews, babies, marriages and families. I don't really have any of that to write about, but I am sure as random as I am and as interesting as life is there will always be something to type about. Cheers to turning 30 and doing something new.

"Better late than never "

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