Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Medical issue number one

Thanks to my boyfriend and the best girl friend one can have Miss. Google. I have been informed of two medical issues that I have had for awhile now, but opted to ignore. I have come to realize what true denial is and how much I have been swimming in it. I know that instead of playing in the water without a care in the world that I now should take a break and apply some sun block.

This picture was just sent to me via my bestie on April 16, 2011. I had to add it to the blog. (LOL)

Although I have not been to the Dr. yet I did take three online tests and all of them confirmed that I have OAB. I can’t believe it. I quickly grab my phone and text my bestie to share this ever so dreadful news. She quickly responds with what is OAB?  I reply back with Over Active Bladder. To my surprise I don’t hear anything else from her. Is it really to my surprise? I ponder on it for a little bit.  It doesn’t take me long to figure out that she doesn’t reply because she has suspected this all along. You can ask any of my friends where I may be at an event and I promise you, they will all say, try the restroom. She was just allowing me to live in my pool of denial. My “issue” wasn’t hurting anyone other than the possible inconvenience of needing to make a restroom stop or listening to my never ending complaint about needing to go. Looking back, I think about how I would jokingly compare myself to the “I gotta go gotta go gotta go right now” bladder control commercial and then make sure to follow up with, I am not that bad. HA!

I am extremely thankful for the one and only symptom that I don’t have, for now that is. I answered yes to all questions except for, have you experienced the loss of control when you do need to go? If this was an issue I am sure my friends would have been more than willing to throw me a float.  I admit that I will remain in a little bit of denial until I go to the doctor, but I am at least ready to realize I need to make the appointment. Now I fear the day of possible losing control over when I do have to go coming a little sooner than I anticipated.  

It is so easy to make a list of things that justify what we really don’t want to come to terms with. Here I was thinking the urgency and consistent need for my irregular frequency of urination compared to everyone else’s was due to having an abnormally small bladder, a natural reaction to a diet supplement or that I just couldn’t hold my adult beverages like most adults could.

It was much easier for me to blame any one of these excuses I had come up with or even all of them before I would admit that I just may have a “problem” that needs to be taken care of. I giggle a little when I realize the irony in it. This is how the majority of things in life work whatever the situation may be. We find reasons that we are okay with to justify the problem or blame it before we will begin to take a look at ourselves. Hummm……

“Acknowledging the problem is half the battle”

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