Thursday, October 27, 2011


Oh how we have fallen in love with this website. It has certainly motivated me to do several things. I would like to try and note them along the way. I came across this sandwich that is made of all things I love, so I thought I must try it. I made a trip to the farmers market, where I used my new green bags that I ordered, because I found them on Pinterest and use them all the time. Everyone should have some.

Monday's Lunch 
I did not document Tuesday, but it was just as good!
Wednesday's Lunch
I ordered some of these off of Amazon. I got them all for under 10.00 dollars (that included shipping) and I already feel like I have got more than that out of them. A great purchase for sure!
I also made these cute little things to take to a tailgate for a football game. I found it hard to get everything inside them. They tend to get a little soggy, so I think make them when you are going to serve them right away. People loved them and I enjoyed making them, so I guess that is all that matters. 

I was given a case of mason jars for my birthday. That and all the pickle and jelly jars I have been saving there is no telling what I will be making. I have a few other projects on my to do list as well. I can not wait to get started. Only down fall about this site is that it makes me want to get married, get a house and have babies! I love to share with others, so they can get crazy addicted like me. Cheers to happy pining. 

While I am at it, here are just a few of the thousands of quotes I have picked up from there as well. 

 If you want something you have never had. You must be willing to do something you never have.
We are responsible for our own feelings. 
Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but takes you nowhere. 
Thank you Pinterest for helping me feel insanely creative even though I have just been sitting at my computer for the last 3 hours. 

Ha, I will say that I can not get to everything that I want to do, but I have started somewhere and that is half the battle. Thank you Kylie for introducing me to this delightful web page. More things to come.

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