Monday, January 9, 2012

2011 was like Heaven

I don’t think I have ever felt as much peace with myself as I did chiming in to 2011. It truly was magical.  Jason and I packed our bags left the city and headed to the lake house. We planned on spending the next 4 days, cooking, being lazy, putting a puzzle together, taking some walks, popping some fireworks and just have fun being together. This is exactly what we did. It was wonderful.

I read over my blog from 2010 before I started writing this one. I noted that my hopes for 2011 were to get a permanent job, to be more physically fit, to have that last little debt paid off, to be more involved in church (or at least going more regularly), to be active in my sorority alumnae group and to take a vacation like I never have.

I was overwhelmed with happiness when I realized how well I did. I got a permanent job; my first day was October 31st with Worldwide Express. Jason and I joined a gym and work out at least 3 times a week if not 4. It was just this past Sunday that we walked 2.1 miles to get to Harry’s and 2.1 miles to get back home. It was great fun. I did not get that last bit of debt paid off, but that is only because I took a vacation like I never have and I am okay with this. At least I did not accrue more debt and have almost got the other paid off and will for sure have it gone in 2012. Jason and I did go to Church a lot more, we have been I guess you would say Church shopping.  Looking for one that we both enjoy has been a bit of a challenge since we would prefer to just have one and go. Finding different ones that are close in distance, but represent our religion beliefs is important. We did however get a couple Angel’s off the tree this year and I was very happy about that. Not only was I more active in my sorority I was on a committee for Cookies and Castles at Scottish rite’s Children Hospital. I also joined a book club with the alumnae group. Costa Rica for the vacation was more than I could have ever imagined for. 2011 you were really good to me and I am so thankful for it.

The things that stand out to me the most about 2011 have been captured in a blog I am certain. I kind of figured out that I like to share monumental moments for me with everyone else. Therapeutic I think. However, if I did not read back and just went over the year in my head my highlights over all verses specific would be that we are always looking for new things to try, places to go and foods to eat. I am so happy we do this. I created a dining out club that we eat out some place new the first Friday of every month. I have built of a nice clientele of babysitting clients, enjoy it and think it will only grow to as much as I want it to. Donating 14 inches of my hair was a good deed for sure, but I hate it being short and I am not sure I would ever do it again. I do not regret doing it. Being more involved for Christmas. It was not bad at all. I got a Clarisonic for my face for my birthday and I am in love with it. I think every girl should have one.

On a personal note I have realized that my wants for happiness have changed a bit over the past year. I think it may have something to do with the beauty of that thing called age. Finding my best friend in Jason caused a lot less hardships on the friend o meter this year. Rather it was him or growing older I do not care I am just happy the drama is out of my life. I have a close and secure net of friends. I love them dearly and know how lucky I am to have them.  There have been some friends from the past that have become better friends and that is exciting, but over all I have a happy medium and that makes me feel blessed.

For 2012 I pray to get that debt paid off, be in better shape, and have fewer vices, yard sale, to have found a church (or going to ONE more regularly) and to do a little more with my apartment. I always want for good health and love in my relationship as well. If 2012 gets any better than 2011 I cannot possible imagine what it must feel like. I smile with anticipation.

 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

New International Version (NIV)
 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


  1. You're so awesome! Reading over this brought a little tear to my eye, a good tear. It's so great to see you so happy and fulfilled. We really have great lives, so glad that we're such a big part of each others. Love you, Mer

  2. Thanks Bestie! There are many of times I could have made the wrong turn without you pushing me in the right direction. Thank you for always looking out for what is best for me. I just know you are going to rock out in 2012 with the business, so I can quit my job and come work for you!!!!
