Friday, May 11, 2012

The Frame

I had an idea and then again I have lots of ideas. However, this wasn’t just an idea it was something I put to work and still plan on putting to work more, but I have slacked off some.  To me I thought the idea was blog worthy and something I wanted to remember.

The FRAME – This is a very popular concept now, but it was not every  where when I first thought of it. I found this old frame that I had seen used to capture a picture in a magazine, cute idea. I wanted to do that , but I also wanted to take the frame, paint some stuff on the side walk and make cards out of them. I did and then I decided I wanted to create the story of the frame. It would take the journey with us and capture lots of different things. We got a go green wine bottle bag (you know they have six compartments in them), filled it up with different colors of can spray paint, so we could change the color as we wanted. Then the frame got wobble and started coming apart. We tried to fix her, but she just was not looking good. I hated that we did not get to keep that frame for the rest of the story, but now I am looking for another one and get to start a new story. We always know how exciting a new story can be.  Maybe we will get a little more creative with the next frame. Who knows, either way I like the idea.

What ideas do you have for The FRAME? 

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