Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A change in paint can symbolize a change in LIFE!

We are rushing like a mad woman after a bulldog she just busted tearing up her flower garden to meet the delivery company with our Best Buy purchases. I just had to have my taquitos fresh from the Whataburger, nowhere else would do. Gracefully, we had a key under the mat so, the boys already had the ginormous statue of metal also known as a refrigerator heading towards the front door. I flung open the truck door to only hear a screeching stop to the moving process. The front door was indeed too small and needed to be removed in order to accommodate the size of this appliance. I take a quick moment to ponder on size. Should you be purchasing something that is too large to get through the front door or should you just have a bigger door? Anyhow, the cooler box makes it way in and looks stellar. 

I waddle my way through the garage door in the utility door to be greeted with the crisp, cool air scented of fresh paint. The painter had finished painting the living room ceiling and the purple walls in Maxwells room where no more. His room is almost ready to roll. I stand around his room, taking some photos, so I can document this whole process. The sun is shining as bright as a car with brand new headlights on a pitch black night. I can feel the warmth from the sun. I get this overwhelmingly sense of peace over my body and big smile on my face. I realize in this very moment that the road, story and life experience that Jason and I are creating for our little man all start with this room and home. We are laying down his path in everything we are creating. He has freshly new perfectly light gray painted walls, with soft, fluffy brown carpet, two big windows that look out to an awesome big back yard that will ultimately be his playground. God is good, Life is good. I am thrilled to start this adventure with him. He is indeed getting something I as a child wouldn't have even been capable of dreaming of having. This is the goal of everyone that came from a life like mine; we want to do better for our children than was done for us. This is really happening. I have reached the success and wish of a lifetime. To have my very own, healthy and happy family. To be able to provide for a child as a child should be and to most importantly be able to just enjoy the greatness of life.  Okay, back to the house. 

There is this bird chirping, annoying squeaky noise that I can't figure out. I scrambled around the house like a child playing hid and seek until I solve my mystery sound. It is what I think to be a fire alarm in the front room. However, it is like 20 stories up on the highest part of the ceiling. Who in their right mind places something that high? Another "issue" to resolve. The joy of being a homeowner, one issue leads to another one. 

Moving right along to the washer and dryer delivery and installation or perhaps not moving forward at the moment. I am going to leave this with shut eye for now and this is going to be continued. Weekend two was a little more eventful and not 100% in a good way. 

#mauldincasa #keylesshouse

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Old School

I have an address book that I was given as a gift from my roommate Lucia about 10-12 years ago. This book has certainly seen better days. Not to mention the fact almost all of my married friends were still listed with their maiden names. If they have been married long enough I may have made a scratch through the name and updated the information that way.

I made a new year resolution a few years ago to stop using a yearly planner/organizer and I have successfully gone digital in all of my calendar/organization needs. My boyfriend and I even share our gmail calendar and love it. We very rarely ever have to discuss anything about the activities on the calendar. We know what to expect and plan for. As far as the address book goes I still feel a little attached. I do have some friends addresses placed in my contacts on my phone, but it isn’t my preferred place to get that information from. I even tinkered around with contacts on the icloud some since that is a pretty easy way of updating the contacts. No matter what I looked at it was still going to be the "old school" book for me. 

I liked to look back at my planner at the end of the year when I would purchase a new one to see where all the year took me. As I am looking through my old address book to update the new one I find myself thinking and reflecting more about the people that have come and gone in my life by choice or chance. There are the people that have died. There are people that I have no idea where they are now. There are people that I try to decide if they are worthy of making an entry in the new book. Anyhow, as I was doing this I thought to myself I wonder how many people really keep an address book anymore.

Do you?

The Lock Down

I was sunbathing, sitting criss cross in the middle of the driveway where the sun was shinning so bright I needed to wear my sunshades in order to focus. This was weekend number one of being house owners. I think it is about 3:00 p.m. on this breathtakingly beautiful afternoon. It is 60 degrees Texas style and the second evening in a row we have been at the new house at this time of day. 

The sunsets on what will be Maxwells side of the house. The streets are fairly silent. I hear an occasional car drive by, a few dog walkers and some laughter of children playing. The one thing that stands out to me the most is woman walking alone, carelessly talking on their phones and so unaware of their surroundings is something I am not used to observing. I wonder to myself if I will ever get back to that comfort zone of being able to carelessly take walks alone. 

I have learned how air filters need to be installed properly and that we have three different sizes. I am so thankful we have a few months to take time to really learn all about the house. We also, figured out how the garage door openers work and got new batteries for them. It may be the consistent scare the city crime has caused to run through our veins, but we spent many hours today figuring out exactly how we are going to control the safety to our new cave. I had no idea all the logistics there are to keys and getting all the doors locked and secure. 

I am thrilled to become a key less running household! 
