Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Lock Down

I was sunbathing, sitting criss cross in the middle of the driveway where the sun was shinning so bright I needed to wear my sunshades in order to focus. This was weekend number one of being house owners. I think it is about 3:00 p.m. on this breathtakingly beautiful afternoon. It is 60 degrees Texas style and the second evening in a row we have been at the new house at this time of day. 

The sunsets on what will be Maxwells side of the house. The streets are fairly silent. I hear an occasional car drive by, a few dog walkers and some laughter of children playing. The one thing that stands out to me the most is woman walking alone, carelessly talking on their phones and so unaware of their surroundings is something I am not used to observing. I wonder to myself if I will ever get back to that comfort zone of being able to carelessly take walks alone. 

I have learned how air filters need to be installed properly and that we have three different sizes. I am so thankful we have a few months to take time to really learn all about the house. We also, figured out how the garage door openers work and got new batteries for them. It may be the consistent scare the city crime has caused to run through our veins, but we spent many hours today figuring out exactly how we are going to control the safety to our new cave. I had no idea all the logistics there are to keys and getting all the doors locked and secure. 

I am thrilled to become a key less running household! 


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