Saturday, February 13, 2016

Old School

I have an address book that I was given as a gift from my roommate Lucia about 10-12 years ago. This book has certainly seen better days. Not to mention the fact almost all of my married friends were still listed with their maiden names. If they have been married long enough I may have made a scratch through the name and updated the information that way.

I made a new year resolution a few years ago to stop using a yearly planner/organizer and I have successfully gone digital in all of my calendar/organization needs. My boyfriend and I even share our gmail calendar and love it. We very rarely ever have to discuss anything about the activities on the calendar. We know what to expect and plan for. As far as the address book goes I still feel a little attached. I do have some friends addresses placed in my contacts on my phone, but it isn’t my preferred place to get that information from. I even tinkered around with contacts on the icloud some since that is a pretty easy way of updating the contacts. No matter what I looked at it was still going to be the "old school" book for me. 

I liked to look back at my planner at the end of the year when I would purchase a new one to see where all the year took me. As I am looking through my old address book to update the new one I find myself thinking and reflecting more about the people that have come and gone in my life by choice or chance. There are the people that have died. There are people that I have no idea where they are now. There are people that I try to decide if they are worthy of making an entry in the new book. Anyhow, as I was doing this I thought to myself I wonder how many people really keep an address book anymore.

Do you?

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