Friday, December 9, 2011

Meant to be

I love the fact rice krispey treats are yummy and easy to make. I saw this book that is full of nothing, but themed treats. I went to half price books to see if they had it and score for me. I was looking through it and thought these footballs would be cute to take to an SMU game sometime. After leaving half price books we went in to Central Market to get some groceries and as soon as we walked in the store to start our shopping I came across this football trey. It was meant to be. I had to make those snacks for the next game. The kiddos loved them and they were so easy to make. I did not use the peanut butter per the instructions. I was not sure how well it would really taste. I was proud of them and can not wait to make more things out of this book. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Wine is part of the food chain it makes meals

We had our first dinner club meeting and I think it went really well. It was Friday December 2, 2011 at The Egyptian Campisis in Dallas on Mockingbird Lane. The idea just kind of hit me out of nowhere one Sunday afternoon. I remember one of my friends telling me about something she is part of that is similar to this. Everyone had such a great time all hanging out at a concert we went to a few months back and kept on commenting about all getting together more often. It just so happen Jason and I were trying to get a dinner date on the calendar to go out with some friends that had never been to Campisis.  Then we thought of other friends that we should invite because we had not seem them in awhile and well one thought led to another and here we are.

It is the First Friday of every month; we will go to different cities and invite everyone. Jason came up with the club name GFBF “Good Friends Better Food”.  I thought it had a jingle and was witty enough. I felt a little corny calling it a club, but it is easy and that is what I wanted this to be. I originally emailed all my girl friends and said three strikes and you are kicked out. This means if you RSVP yes and then do not show up you will get a strike. It is so third grade and I love it. I do not want to make reservations for 10 and only have 3 show up. There is an evite that goes out that I use to inform everyone of our next location which I take from suggestions. I also use the invite to figure out how many people will attend, so I can make a proper reservation.

The next dinner is already on the calendar and everyone is looking forward to it. There will be some returning and some new faces. It will be interesting to see the success rate as time goes on. I hope people keep coming and inviting more. I think it is a great way to network.  I found great joy in seeing people exchange numbers and becoming new face book friends.

Next outing will be to one of my all time favorite places in Arlington. Campo Verde this was Kyle’s idea and I think everyone is going to be pleasantly surprise with the atmosphere. This place rocks!

I will keep you posted on the progress. Please let me know if you are involved in something like this. I would love to hear suggestions and other ideas.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My first autographed book

I wrote a post awhile back with the letter I had sent to Ms. Handler hoping she would sign and return the books. To my surprise the books were signed and she even picked up the extra postage.  I could not believe it. It was like my birthday all over again. I made sure to stay true to my roots and like a good Ole Fashioned Southern girl I mailed her a thank you card and for the fun of it placed this picture in it. I figure Chelsea might appreciate some Texas made Vodka. I wonder who the lucky person will be that gets the second book. Maybe I will keep both of them for myself. 
This is proof that you never know what you may get if you do not try for it.
Chelsea you rock!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I must look back over the last year and see what I spent my grand year of 30 doing.  It went by quickly, but I felt like I did a lot as well. I think this is a good sign, because I must have lived in the moment for some of it.  I feel as though I have truly learned how to appreciate, want and need some alone time. It has taken me a long time to get to this point, but it sure does feel good.

The most important for me this year is that I GOT A JOB!!!! I spent 29 and 30 being either unemployed or in a temporary position. It was awful and I could not be more excited. I took Friday the 21st off and spent the day shopping, hanging with some old friends and going to Wills Point's homecoming football game. 

Let me see what I can come up with before I go back and look at photos, read blogs or check calendars. I know that I got 14 inches cut off my hair and donated it. That felt good, but I really miss my long hair. Since then I have not colored my hair and for the first time since I do not know when find out what my natural hair color is. It has been a grueling process, but I think by next year I will be there. I joined a gym and got a two year membership. We have worked out a lot. I am ubber proud of us. I took my first cycling and zumba class. I got to travel a few times to some new places. Kemah, Houston, New Orleans, St. Louis and Costa Rica. I really kicked off babysitting on the side and made a few extra thousand dollars. I went to the Dallas Arboretum for my first time. I scratched a handful of things off of my bucket list. Like ziplinning, traveling to a a few remote locations and a few things I did not know that I would enjoy so much. Chocolate massages and swimming in Volcanic water. They would have been on the list for sure.  I joined a few clubs and organizations that I have been wanting to do for some time now.  I got rid of some stuff in a yard sale. I hope to get another one going next year. We made it to church a lot more than I have in the past few years 

Okay, so let me look back on the calendar and see what stands out enough to be “blog” worthy.  I found out I have “runner knee” and it has hindered me from being able to run more than two miles. It makes me very sad. I was getting involved in a lot of runs, we were doing fun runs, we did the St. patty’s day 5-K, the Katy Trail 5-K, the Warrior Dash 5-K and the Dublin Dr. Pepper. They were fun while they lasted until I wound up getting an MRI done on my knee cause the pain was too much. I think this is why I found myself in the gym. I managed to make it through almost all my close friends momunemtal turning 30 birthday’s. I have a couple that are a little younger, but for most of them it was our year. That seems enough for now. 

I feel like I should also cover the things that did not go so well this year. The first one being the bad car accident my little brother was in. That same accident also shut what little communication I had with my immediate family off completely. The most devastating part of it all was the relationship between my little brother and I is no more.  Sometimes I think when I can not be hardened anymore there is a something else to put me in my place. Jason’s bike and computer got stolen at my place. His computer, well he left the car door unlocked, but his bike they straight up sniped the cord and took it.

The things I am thankful  for my health, no sickness so far. I am thankful for my friends, my boyfriend and my happiness in life. We know I am so thankful for my new job I can not even find words to describe it. I am thankful for being able to travel, life and my car. That may sound strange, but I see people walking, waiting for busses and riding bikes in the cold and I always think to myself how thankful I am for my car.

The things I hope for in 31. More church, working out, debt paid off, travel, success at work, organization involvement and happiness throughout. 

 October Rooftop Hotel Joule

November The Mauldin's Lake House

December The Mauldin's Lake House

Januray Sunset Lounge Girls Night Out
Feburary My Place
March Greenville Ave
April Bastrop, TX
May Byron Nelson
June The Mauldin's Lake House
July Kemah, TX
August The Rainforest
September Richardson, TX

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Oh how we have fallen in love with this website. It has certainly motivated me to do several things. I would like to try and note them along the way. I came across this sandwich that is made of all things I love, so I thought I must try it. I made a trip to the farmers market, where I used my new green bags that I ordered, because I found them on Pinterest and use them all the time. Everyone should have some.

Monday's Lunch 
I did not document Tuesday, but it was just as good!
Wednesday's Lunch
I ordered some of these off of Amazon. I got them all for under 10.00 dollars (that included shipping) and I already feel like I have got more than that out of them. A great purchase for sure!
I also made these cute little things to take to a tailgate for a football game. I found it hard to get everything inside them. They tend to get a little soggy, so I think make them when you are going to serve them right away. People loved them and I enjoyed making them, so I guess that is all that matters. 

I was given a case of mason jars for my birthday. That and all the pickle and jelly jars I have been saving there is no telling what I will be making. I have a few other projects on my to do list as well. I can not wait to get started. Only down fall about this site is that it makes me want to get married, get a house and have babies! I love to share with others, so they can get crazy addicted like me. Cheers to happy pining. 

While I am at it, here are just a few of the thousands of quotes I have picked up from there as well. 

 If you want something you have never had. You must be willing to do something you never have.
We are responsible for our own feelings. 
Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but takes you nowhere. 
Thank you Pinterest for helping me feel insanely creative even though I have just been sitting at my computer for the last 3 hours. 

Ha, I will say that I can not get to everything that I want to do, but I have started somewhere and that is half the battle. Thank you Kylie for introducing me to this delightful web page. More things to come.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Costa Rica = Picture Time

I realized that I wrote a huge blog about Costa Rica, but I never placed any pictures. Probably because there were like a thousand of them (literally). I have decided to challenge myself. I can only pick two pictures per day and I am allowed two extras. So, here we go.
We walked up to the crater of the Paos Volcano. It wasn't the prettiest thing, but it looked like it went on forever. I feel as though I compare to a bird in the sky. The cloud cleared out , we took some photos. I was a bit surprised to see how quickly it went from clear to the air being completely covered with cloud. They say there are people that come and never get to see past the clouds. We were thankful that we got to actually see inside the volcano. We headed on our way to see the inactive crater that was now filled with water. It was a mile or so away. When we first made it up there we could not see a thing. It was filled with white. We ventured off to have fun taking some "jungle like" photos to appease the adventure in me and when we came back down the walk path we saw the most beautiful site ever. 
I felt like this is something that you would see in Hawaii. Besides the fact that you can not even touch this water. It was the most magical experience ever. If the clouds had not moved on we would have never seen this. Now, I did not know what beautiful site I would have missed out on either, but the shock that ran through my veins was the epitome of what Costa Rica has to offer. Nature is amazing and I saw the changes take place so quickly right before my eyes.
This is not necessarily my favorite picture as much as it is on of my favorite moments. They are loading our luggage up on that bad boy. We are water bound for the entire weekend. I have always wanted to travel to a place you can not transport via car. I was so excited and could not wait to hop on. Pachira here we come! Suspenseful 
These guys were everywhere. They entertained me the entire time. Especially this big fat one that had a hole close to the front door of our cabin. I could scare him back in every time we came in and out. It was kind of like having a wild pet.
The Howler monkey was so much fun. Adrian our boat tour guide would rev up the motor while we were on our canal cruises to drive them mad. You could holler out a ew ew ew and they would reply. 
I took a picture of another random boat out in the canal doing a cruise. It was rather far away, but I was trying to grasp in a photo what I was actually feeling in our little tour boat. You were just completely and totally surrounded with more green than you can even imagine. There would be a glimpse of light shining through the tops of the trees or breaking in through branches. It was surreal. You, the group, all the plants and wildlife everywhere. All I can compare it to is a dream. 
Pools and Pools of water starting from the top and working there way down. They range in temperatures too hot to stand in to some that you will never want to get out of the. The pools are natural volcanic sprung fed. Miracle
This rain/thunderstorm was scary. I have not stood out in such a hard, cold, solid pouring down rain before. It will start out of nowhere. It will come for a little bit and then be gone. I love the rain and was excited for a little bit, but then when the lighting was striking pretty frequently and sounded so loud I hesitated movement.  Freighting.
Chocolate massages were pretty awesome. I can not wait to get another one.
I am adding this picture just because this was the main highlight of going to La Fortuna was to see the Arenal Volcano. This is a huge tourist attraction for Costa Rica. I personally felt it was just too big to grasp. If that makes sense. It was far away and without being any closer It was hard to take it for real. 
You never know what piece of beautiful you may see just from turning around the corner. We were dinning at some special place and I decided to just take a peak around the trees off the typical path and stumbled upon this beautiful flowing river. 
This is the view of are patio while looking out to the ocean. It is by far one of the most luxurious hotels I have ever stayed in. It was beautiful, but a little too off path for me. The place seemed almost ghost town like. Quiet
Bubble bath tub while watching a huge flat screen. 
The night view of our 5-Star stay. 
Here we go trapping off in to the rain forest to get even closer than I even imagined. The sound of the animals being enclosed by the trees will make you question reality or science-fiction.
There were so many different bodies of water. They ranged from different colors to flows to temperatures. I had no idea there could be so many varieties in one vacation. This was one we saw from the bus window. Interesting
This took place right before my eyes. This was out in the wild.  I can still hear the sound from the force of the chomp.
The map of the places traveled. 

If I ever feel I want to escape the day at my desk I will just open the files and start looking at the pictures again. I know that we were so lucky to be able to go and I do not ever want to take it for granted. It warms my heart every time I mention that I went to Costa Rica because, of the response from the person I am telling. It is an instant reminder to me of how lucky I am.

Friday, October 14, 2011

My journey with pills

I go to open my pill bottle this morning to retrieve my daily multi-vitamin and giggle as I look at the variety of colors I have. I stop and think about where the pill bottle in my purse started and where it is now. When I was in my youth to my early 20's I refused to take pills. It did not matter if it was Advil, birth control or even a vitamin. I hated trying to swallow them. I could tolerate the pain and I just did not like pills. I find it hard to believe that now I am looking down and see at least five different kinds.

I think it was in my mid 20's when I started carrying around some Tylenol. It was not even for me. I started noticing people always asking for some. I compared it to a band-aid; it cannot hurt to have some. I enjoy being able to help others when needing something, so it was now a staples in the items I carried in my purse. Then I noticed that no one would ever want my Tylenol. They preferred Advil or aleve.  You cannot blame a girl for trying. I realized if I wasn't going to take it then there wasn't really any need to be carrying Tylenol around. I could not really figure out the difference in when people wanted Advil or Aleve, so I carried both. I think it is fair to say it was not until the age of 29 or 30 when I learned the difference in these two. I have also observed how many friends needed pills for heartburn, indigestion and gas. At the beginning of last year I also started getting an allergy and was introduced to Zyrtec (aka a miracle pill) is a saving grace when needed. I never knew when I was going to need one, so that was my first pill to carry that I needed and wanted. Thank goodness it is an itty bitty thing. It is very easy for me to swallow.

Now when I open my pill bottle I have an assortment of pills in there. There are my vitamins, Zyrtecs, Allegra Ds, Aleves, Advils, Imodiums and Benadryls. Sometimes I will put some fruit and veggies pills in there as well. Since I don't have the heartburn and indigestion I think I will have to just let me friend suffer or fend for themselves. There seems to be a variety of those medicines and they have preferences in which ones to take for what as well.  

I remember a long time ago one of my friends said to me, if something is wrong and you can take a pill to make it better, why not do that? I found myself contemplating this statement she had made for years and even still to this day. I am a little better about taking pills. I try to take vitamins however; I really prefer the chewy kind. I will still wait out a headache or cramps, but if they hurt badly enough and I don’t want to deal with them I will not hesitate taking the pills. My nose drives me so crazy that as soon as it happens I will always grab the Zyrtec. It probably helps the fact that it is so small.

I think I have the basics covered in the bottle. I wonder what the ages 30 to 40 will bring to the mix. Maybe I will need some Tums, Rolaids, Gas-X, Beano or that bottle with the white liquid in it. Maalox I think it is called. Ha, who knows? I will be thankful for what I have for now, hopeful there isn't more and laugh at what people may think when they see me dump out an assortment of pills when looking for the one I want.

Friday, September 16, 2011


This weekend is going to be a jolly good time. I am sitting here at the factory eagerly waiting for the 5:00 whistle. I am interested to see if what I anticipate at this moment for the weekend will be what actually happens. 
After work I am heading home to meet J. We will go to the gym and sweat our fat out. Maybe not all of it, but more than we would if we didn’t go at all. It amazes me how much weight he has lost and I am still at the same exact digit we started. Oh well at least I haven’t gone up a number I suppose. After workout we will pick up some Subway for dinner or some sort of sandwich or maybe we will get manicures and pedicures and then something to eat. How this plays out will depend on time all together.
Saturday morning will be for baking. Maybe we do some baking on Friday night and then Manicures and Pedicures on Saturday. Yeah, that sounds like a better bet. I hope to get a little workout in on Saturday. If my package arrives at his house we will make a quick run over there to pick up. I did a little online shopping this week.  Then we will get ready and head to the SMU game. I am excited because I didn’t get to make last weeks. I hope the weather is nice.

Sunday, we will go to Church and then have lunch. I was thinking that we may be able to go to the movie and finally see The Help. We have been trying to see that for the past three weekends now. We shall see if it happens or not.

Here is to some good baking, a win for SMU, a weekend workout session and a movie.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Boardwalk

I am seriously kicking myself in the tail end for not writing about this trip before now. I hate to say it, but better late than never. I love to travel and since I do not get vacation days at my temporary place of employment it makes doing this a little more of a challenge. I am consistently looking, researching and listening for new places to go. It was about six months ago when I heard someone in the office mention Kemah. There was something about the name of this place that instantly grabbed my attention. I immediately asked who, what and where is this? To my very surprise it was a place right outside of Houston, TX. This could potentially be a weekend trip and after looking at some pictures looked like a fun place.

I started asking other people about it and unless they were from Houston they had never heard of it. I was on my own on this one. Well me and trip advisor that is. The trustee site has yet to fail me. There wasn't a feasible time available on our calendars to go at this time, so for now this was just an idea and a new place to experience. I usually try and wait for a holiday weekend, so it can possible allow for one more day. We had spent our July 4th holiday with J's family and another one wasn't coming up until September or so I thought.

Sometime in June my supervisor was asking me to work a variety of hours over the course of a three week period. This could potentially drive some people bonkers, but I always try and take the best out of whatever may be handed to me. I guess it kind of goes with making lemonade out of lemons. After looking at the schedule I noticed that I was going to be working early shift on Friday and a later shift on Monday, so my first thought was we have got to take advantage of this weekend. What shall we do?

The Lake, we were just there. Turner Falls, I have always wanted to go. Ummm no, the reviews are terrible and it is way over priced. It made me sad to read how run down the place had become. Broken Bow, maybe I went to Beaver Bend when I was younger and had an amazing time. Well, that would be an ideal place to save for when it gets a bit cooler. We have already said that we must go camping this year (speaking of we need camping gear). Oh, I know I think to myself. What about that Boardwalk that place right outside of Houston, the one Kelli was talking about. She was on vacation and I had to wait a whole four days to ask about the name of the place because I just could not remember. Kemah, TX it is and we are going July 22, 2011 to July 24, 2011. I would have to confirm with J, but I was pretty sure he would be on wagon.

After a lot of reading, research, debating on just the right place to stay and using the process of elimination to book the activities that we wanted to do we had a hope to be awesome weekend planned. We were both really excited. He picked me up from the office on that Friday. We were on our way and a well out of Dallas before 3:30 that Friday afternoon. I will admit I was afraid we may have bitten off more than we could chew. Maybe this was a little further than we thought and we wind up driving so much we don't really get to enjoy the place.  We figured we would wind up in Houston right at 6:00 p.m. or so and dealing with traffic. We are driving home on Monday morning before I have to be at work and could possibly be right in the mix of Monday morning congestion. OH, well we are on our way regardless.

I don't think we even turned the radio on until we got on the other side of Houston. The drive went by so quickly especially with all the chatting we were doing. Traffic was evident, but it wasn't any worse than Dallas and didn't really seem to be all that bad. I do realize that it never seems as bad for the passenger vs. the driver, but J was optimistic about it.  I got a call on the way from work asking me to come in even later on Monday, so that was perfect. God sure does love me! This trip was starting off great.  Sometimes I think if you just prepare yourself for the worst everything else only seems better.

The Clipper Inn was adorable; our room could not have been more perfect. I was in awe with every touch of detail they put in to decorating the little cottage. I was pretty proud of my find and glad that this is where we would be sleeping for the next couple of days.  I am like a kid in a candy store. I want to see, try our touch something as soon as I can. I don't have to do it all, but I just need some instant gratification. When I arrive at the beach I want to set our stuff down and at least touch the sand before anything else. As soon as we get to J's family’s lake house I want to go straight down to the dock. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. I just want to see touch or smell the water. It makes me giggle to myself when I really think about it. Anyhow, we take some quick photos and head on over to the Boardwalk. I couldn’t wait any longer to see this place for myself.

I had read where they have a firework show every Friday night during the month of July. We wanted to make sure we had time to enjoy and find out where we needed to be for this. Thankfully our little bed and breakfast was close enough to be able to walk to everything we wanted to do. They even have a winery on the grounds that they gave us a card for a complimentative wine tasting with a cheese/olive platter to enjoy during our stay. We changed clothes, grabbed the essentials and were off. There was so much traffic, people all scurrying in the same direction, horse and carriage rides, bicycle rides and night tours going on. We were thankful to be on feet and eager to see what exactly brings about all this commotion.

I think I was expecting something of a smaller scale, but like Coney Island and was pleasantly delivered much more. It was clean, lots of lights and everything looked pretty new considering.  

 We did not eat at this place, but probably should have. I did however go in and take a peek around like I was eating there. The fishes were fun to watch.

 There are a variety of things to do on the Boardwalk and it was easy to see where all these people were going and why. We figured this was a pretty happening place to visit for locals.

This was disgusting to me. You could put a coin in this machine to get some food out and these fish would just come in thousands to eat any sort of crumb they could. Where salt and fresh water meet catfish is just not a pretty site or fish, in my opinion. 

We have so many firework pictures, but I picked this one cause it just looks crazy. 

 I stood back and noted the humid air, carnival food smell, childrens screams in the back ground and fireworks so massive the entire sky had a glow from the light show. I thought to myself what is it about all of these things that are bringing a smile to my face. I know it is because they are FREE. I wish I could take this smell, sight, sound and create a mental picture for life. I know I can't really, but at least I have this blog and all the photos to try and recreate for myself when needed.

Okay, it was time to get to dinner. We decided to try out TBoneToms This place had been featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, so we thought it would be a good start. There was a live band, reasonable crowded, food was good and this was a Friday well spent.

This was the first thing we saw on Saturday morning while we were walking to get our massages.

Saturday morning we decided to sleep in. The room was chilly, the bed was plush and after all we were on a weekend getaway. We had massages scheduled for 10:30 and no need to do anything before then. The massages were just okay. J thinks his may have hurt his hip more, but we were thankful to be able to get them regardless and were glad we did. It was time to go have a nice, COOL sit down lunch. As nice as it would have been to sit on the patio to eat while watching all the sail boats cruise by it was just too hot to consider it as an option. I wasn't impressed with lunch at all. If I did not have the receipt in front of me I would not even be able to tell you the name. The Flying Dutchman. They are owned by the same as Landry's. We spent the rest of the day shopping, riding rides, playing in the water, taking pictures and enjoying the company of one another. Gosh, I sure do love my boyfriend.

I was surprised I actually got J to play in the water some. I think he must have been really hot.
This was a lot of fun. I can see why the children get so sad when the parents make them leave.
This shot was take from one of the rides that is air conditioned and spins around showing you an incrediable view of the Boardwalk.

This ride scared me to death. I was done riding rides after this one. It goes really high in the sky.

We had a sunset cruise booked at 7:30 p.m. with Captain Kidd, so we had to get our picnic basket ready, clothes changed and at the dock a little before departing time. It was nice that we got to bring our own cheese/crackers and wine. The sunset was as calming as I hoped. The ride was something new to me. I have never been in a "sail boat". It was kind of scary how close you come to the water. This ship was a 19th Century replica and was built specifically for the charter business. Lunch may have been a bust, but this little ride was a gem.

We got back and made our way over to the winery. We wanted to cash in our card for some wine tastings and cheese. I love how these things that are free seem to wind up costing you the most. A couple of new friends and a purchase of six different bottles of wine later we make our way back to our cottage. We realized the night before if you sit in the middle of the courtyard you can hear the different bands playing at the surrounding restaurants. We decided to sit, have another glass of wine and listen. We had the best of all worlds. We didn't have to pick just one place. We already had our own beverages and we got them all. One would stop playing, but the other one still would be singing away. We decided it was a concert just for us.

Since we felt that we had done up the boardwalk as much as we wanted to that we would take Sunday and head to the beach. It is only 20 more minutes away. We packed our picnic, a change of clothes and we were on the road. I have not been to Galveston since I was 14 I think. We used to vacation there. It was interesting to drive along the ocean and see this place through my now adult eyes and remembering what the visits were like as a child. We wound up even going to the same beach area that my family used to go to. That is where we made our spot in the sand for the day. We had a great time, walking the beach, people watching, feeding the seagulls, saving the pelican and making sweet memories together.

After a quick rinse off and wardrobe change later we were on our way to dinner. There is this place called Gaido's. Jason's family used to dine here when they were in the area. They loved it and Jason always remembered hearing about it or he went when he was a youngan. I can't recall for sure. Either way he suggested we try it out. The food was amazing. I haven't had a ton, but I have been to a few places and I would say this is the best seafood that has ever touched my lips. It was delicious. We found a bench that was street level looking at the ocean, watched the sunset and then headed back to Kemah.

We got up the next morning and started our drive back. We couldn't have been more pleased. We are looking forward to our next little weekend trip. The drive back wasn't bad at all. We even managed to squeeze in some fine dining at Whataburger. One of my dearest friends got so excited from seeing all my pictures that she and her husband went ahead and booked themselves a room at The Clipper Inn and started planning a little weekend away for themselves as well.

                                                                                          The End,

Under The Boardwalk
                                                         The Drifters

Oh the sun beats down and melts the tar up on the roof
And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fire-proof
Under the boardwalk down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby ... is where I'll be
From a park you hear the happy sounds from a carousel
You can almost taste the hotdogs and french fries they sell
Under the boardwalk down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby ... is where I'll be
Under the boardwalk out of the sun
Under the boardwalk we'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk people walking above
Under the boardwalk we'll be falling in love
Under the board-walk board-walk
Under the boardwalk down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby ... is where I'll be
Under the boardwalk out of the sun
Under the boardwalk we'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk people walking above
Under the boardwalk we'll be falling in love