Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My lil Pieces

Another entry for the record books.

Amazing is going to be hard for me to describe in words.

I am going to do my best to try, it went by so fast.  This birthday weekend was part of the surprise I ruined at Valentines Day. Whaaa waaaa…. That is all behind us now. Friday March 4th I left work at 3:18 sharp. Met J at The “Cottage” it has transitioned from being The “Cave” now to The “Cottage”. I think this has something to do with the fact we have been redecorating it. Anyhow, we packed up and headed out to The Country. My Country, the core of who I am and what had a huge part in making me the person I have become. This is where I spent 18 years of my life and 6 of those years I worked at First Monday. I was kind of excited to bring him in to it, but with a little more style than I had while growing up.

It was a pretty flawless drive, interstate 30, to highway 80 on to freeway 20 and ending on county road 198! Okay, the prefixes for the roads taken aren’t necessarily correct, but I couldn’t resist. We drove down Plum Lake and to our Cabin. It was better than anticipated. It couldn’t have been more perfect. We were both famished, but opted to wait on our scallops and kabobs that we had planned to cook on the grill. So, this was the first order of business. We arrived just before sunset and had to make sure and capture the essence of dusk to dark. Jason took some great pictures.

It was time to get the party started. We got some good ole MJ, Pink, Norah Jones and a few others cranked up on the radio, cocktails poured, snack tray out and grill on fire. There was a book that I found as soon as we walked in the cabin that was a journal of people’s experiences in Cabin #2. I wished I would have had enough time to read the whole darn thing, but cherished the stories that I did get to and certainly made a few post myself.  Some of the stories were so sad and I could feel the tears through the words. I found myself wondering how this little piece of heaven couldn’t cure them of the love lost. On a lighter note, we had an amazing dinner, relaxing in the hot tub was beyond amazing, popped open some bubble, most importantly J blew out his birthday candle and hopefully made a fantastic wish. I can’t imagine how much fun this year is going to be since we had just a great one last year. We couldn’t stay up too late; we had a big day ahead of us.

J-Here I can open that for you. Just a lil tug.
J-No, No I can get it. Give me just a second.
J-Shew, see I told you I could get it!
J-Now lets try this out, not bad, not bad at all.

We started with yummy breakfast, gourmet coffees, a sinful morning snack, shared a so so lunch and had a terrible dinner. HA, it just went from great to worse. We were striking out left and right on this day of food. We managed to find humor in it and learned the true pros of sharing meals. Dinner at the winery was an experience to say the least. The wine was awesome and I even purchased three or four bottles. The food on the other hand was, well, I don’t know really how to describe it. I think we will just leave it at that.

It was a long chilly day and we were ready to get back to our cozy cabin. We managed to put in a good seven miles, spend a couple hundred bucks and eat a variety of foods. That makes a day well spent. However, when I think it just can’t get any better it does. Since the cold front swept in that meant we would want a fire. Awe man, I just now realized in this very instant that we didn’t get a picture of the place of fire. Anyhow, the fire was awesome and letting your muscles take a beating from the jets after a strenuous day is something everyone should have the luxury of experiencing on a daily basis, if I do say so myself.

Sunday was upon us and we used the last few hours we had wisely. Sleeping and taking pictures that are here for your viewing pleasure! There really isn’t any coffee in these mugs. You had no idea I was such a creative photo op planner, did you? We were sad to say good-bye and maybe we will be back someday. Per the book it seems as though a lot of people come back to this place. We made our way down to Canton square for some lunch and then to cover as much of the grounds as we could before closing time. On our way home we stopped for some Cajun food and cold beers. It was delish and a great way to end this adventure.

I had no idea J was focusing on the photo prop!

I know you are thinking wow; she did such a great job at planning him the best birthday weekend ever. (I kid I kid)  Jason made my birthday so special and I had no idea how I could ever “re-pay” him for it. As a child I always felt bad when it was my birthday, because it was at the end of the month and my mom never had money to do anything for it. I felt sad mainly because I didn’t want her to feel bad. In my early years of college I had a realization that birthdays are a joyous occasion. It is the one day a year that is all yours, well and everyone else that shares the same birth date! Regardless it is the day you were born and that should be celebrated. I have been celebrating every since, I think everyone else should as well. Sometimes I look back over my photos and I have 100’s of birthday pictures and I giggle. I laugh at the fact of how many birthday parties I have been to, how terrible I feel for the ones I miss and thankful for the ones that I made happen when they didn’t want to have one. I feel like I did do an okay job on the weekend plans. This was his first time “full” experience of Canton and it made me feel good knowing that something that was such a big part of my youth was also something that he enjoyed.

or so J says!

“Cheers to you, Cheers to me, Friends forever we shall be, If you should ever F*#& me then F you and Cheers to me!”

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