Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Boardwalk

I am seriously kicking myself in the tail end for not writing about this trip before now. I hate to say it, but better late than never. I love to travel and since I do not get vacation days at my temporary place of employment it makes doing this a little more of a challenge. I am consistently looking, researching and listening for new places to go. It was about six months ago when I heard someone in the office mention Kemah. There was something about the name of this place that instantly grabbed my attention. I immediately asked who, what and where is this? To my very surprise it was a place right outside of Houston, TX. This could potentially be a weekend trip and after looking at some pictures looked like a fun place.

I started asking other people about it and unless they were from Houston they had never heard of it. I was on my own on this one. Well me and trip advisor that is. The trustee site has yet to fail me. There wasn't a feasible time available on our calendars to go at this time, so for now this was just an idea and a new place to experience. I usually try and wait for a holiday weekend, so it can possible allow for one more day. We had spent our July 4th holiday with J's family and another one wasn't coming up until September or so I thought.

Sometime in June my supervisor was asking me to work a variety of hours over the course of a three week period. This could potentially drive some people bonkers, but I always try and take the best out of whatever may be handed to me. I guess it kind of goes with making lemonade out of lemons. After looking at the schedule I noticed that I was going to be working early shift on Friday and a later shift on Monday, so my first thought was we have got to take advantage of this weekend. What shall we do?

The Lake, we were just there. Turner Falls, I have always wanted to go. Ummm no, the reviews are terrible and it is way over priced. It made me sad to read how run down the place had become. Broken Bow, maybe I went to Beaver Bend when I was younger and had an amazing time. Well, that would be an ideal place to save for when it gets a bit cooler. We have already said that we must go camping this year (speaking of we need camping gear). Oh, I know I think to myself. What about that Boardwalk that place right outside of Houston, the one Kelli was talking about. She was on vacation and I had to wait a whole four days to ask about the name of the place because I just could not remember. Kemah, TX it is and we are going July 22, 2011 to July 24, 2011. I would have to confirm with J, but I was pretty sure he would be on wagon.

After a lot of reading, research, debating on just the right place to stay and using the process of elimination to book the activities that we wanted to do we had a hope to be awesome weekend planned. We were both really excited. He picked me up from the office on that Friday. We were on our way and a well out of Dallas before 3:30 that Friday afternoon. I will admit I was afraid we may have bitten off more than we could chew. Maybe this was a little further than we thought and we wind up driving so much we don't really get to enjoy the place.  We figured we would wind up in Houston right at 6:00 p.m. or so and dealing with traffic. We are driving home on Monday morning before I have to be at work and could possibly be right in the mix of Monday morning congestion. OH, well we are on our way regardless.

I don't think we even turned the radio on until we got on the other side of Houston. The drive went by so quickly especially with all the chatting we were doing. Traffic was evident, but it wasn't any worse than Dallas and didn't really seem to be all that bad. I do realize that it never seems as bad for the passenger vs. the driver, but J was optimistic about it.  I got a call on the way from work asking me to come in even later on Monday, so that was perfect. God sure does love me! This trip was starting off great.  Sometimes I think if you just prepare yourself for the worst everything else only seems better.

The Clipper Inn was adorable; our room could not have been more perfect. I was in awe with every touch of detail they put in to decorating the little cottage. I was pretty proud of my find and glad that this is where we would be sleeping for the next couple of days. http://www.clipperhouseinn.com/  I am like a kid in a candy store. I want to see, try our touch something as soon as I can. I don't have to do it all, but I just need some instant gratification. When I arrive at the beach I want to set our stuff down and at least touch the sand before anything else. As soon as we get to J's family’s lake house I want to go straight down to the dock. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. I just want to see touch or smell the water. It makes me giggle to myself when I really think about it. Anyhow, we take some quick photos and head on over to the Boardwalk. I couldn’t wait any longer to see this place for myself.

I had read where they have a firework show every Friday night during the month of July. We wanted to make sure we had time to enjoy and find out where we needed to be for this. Thankfully our little bed and breakfast was close enough to be able to walk to everything we wanted to do. They even have a winery on the grounds that they gave us a card for a complimentative wine tasting with a cheese/olive platter to enjoy during our stay. We changed clothes, grabbed the essentials and were off. There was so much traffic, people all scurrying in the same direction, horse and carriage rides, bicycle rides and night tours going on. We were thankful to be on feet and eager to see what exactly brings about all this commotion.

I think I was expecting something of a smaller scale, but like Coney Island and was pleasantly delivered much more. It was clean, lots of lights and everything looked pretty new considering.  

 We did not eat at this place, but probably should have. I did however go in and take a peek around like I was eating there. The fishes were fun to watch.

 There are a variety of things to do on the Boardwalk and it was easy to see where all these people were going and why. We figured this was a pretty happening place to visit for locals.

This was disgusting to me. You could put a coin in this machine to get some food out and these fish would just come in thousands to eat any sort of crumb they could. Where salt and fresh water meet catfish is just not a pretty site or fish, in my opinion. 

We have so many firework pictures, but I picked this one cause it just looks crazy. 

 I stood back and noted the humid air, carnival food smell, childrens screams in the back ground and fireworks so massive the entire sky had a glow from the light show. I thought to myself what is it about all of these things that are bringing a smile to my face. I know it is because they are FREE. I wish I could take this smell, sight, sound and create a mental picture for life. I know I can't really, but at least I have this blog and all the photos to try and recreate for myself when needed.

Okay, it was time to get to dinner. We decided to try out TBoneToms http://tbonetoms.com/. This place had been featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, so we thought it would be a good start. There was a live band, reasonable crowded, food was good and this was a Friday well spent.

This was the first thing we saw on Saturday morning while we were walking to get our massages.

Saturday morning we decided to sleep in. The room was chilly, the bed was plush and after all we were on a weekend getaway. We had massages scheduled for 10:30 and no need to do anything before then. The massages were just okay. J thinks his may have hurt his hip more, but we were thankful to be able to get them regardless and were glad we did. It was time to go have a nice, COOL sit down lunch. As nice as it would have been to sit on the patio to eat while watching all the sail boats cruise by it was just too hot to consider it as an option. I wasn't impressed with lunch at all. If I did not have the receipt in front of me I would not even be able to tell you the name. The Flying Dutchman. They are owned by the same as Landry's. We spent the rest of the day shopping, riding rides, playing in the water, taking pictures and enjoying the company of one another. Gosh, I sure do love my boyfriend.

I was surprised I actually got J to play in the water some. I think he must have been really hot.
This was a lot of fun. I can see why the children get so sad when the parents make them leave.
This shot was take from one of the rides that is air conditioned and spins around showing you an incrediable view of the Boardwalk.

This ride scared me to death. I was done riding rides after this one. It goes really high in the sky.

We had a sunset cruise booked at 7:30 p.m. with Captain Kidd, so we had to get our picnic basket ready, clothes changed and at the dock a little before departing time.  http://captkiddcharters.com/ It was nice that we got to bring our own cheese/crackers and wine. The sunset was as calming as I hoped. The ride was something new to me. I have never been in a "sail boat". It was kind of scary how close you come to the water. This ship was a 19th Century replica and was built specifically for the charter business. Lunch may have been a bust, but this little ride was a gem.

We got back and made our way over to the winery. We wanted to cash in our card for some wine tastings and cheese. I love how these things that are free seem to wind up costing you the most. A couple of new friends and a purchase of six different bottles of wine later we make our way back to our cottage. We realized the night before if you sit in the middle of the courtyard you can hear the different bands playing at the surrounding restaurants. We decided to sit, have another glass of wine and listen. We had the best of all worlds. We didn't have to pick just one place. We already had our own beverages and we got them all. One would stop playing, but the other one still would be singing away. We decided it was a concert just for us.

Since we felt that we had done up the boardwalk as much as we wanted to that we would take Sunday and head to the beach. It is only 20 more minutes away. We packed our picnic, a change of clothes and we were on the road. I have not been to Galveston since I was 14 I think. We used to vacation there. It was interesting to drive along the ocean and see this place through my now adult eyes and remembering what the visits were like as a child. We wound up even going to the same beach area that my family used to go to. That is where we made our spot in the sand for the day. We had a great time, walking the beach, people watching, feeding the seagulls, saving the pelican and making sweet memories together.

After a quick rinse off and wardrobe change later we were on our way to dinner. There is this place called Gaido's. http://www.gaidos.com/ Jason's family used to dine here when they were in the area. They loved it and Jason always remembered hearing about it or he went when he was a youngan. I can't recall for sure. Either way he suggested we try it out. The food was amazing. I haven't had a ton, but I have been to a few places and I would say this is the best seafood that has ever touched my lips. It was delicious. We found a bench that was street level looking at the ocean, watched the sunset and then headed back to Kemah.

We got up the next morning and started our drive back. We couldn't have been more pleased. We are looking forward to our next little weekend trip. The drive back wasn't bad at all. We even managed to squeeze in some fine dining at Whataburger. One of my dearest friends got so excited from seeing all my pictures that she and her husband went ahead and booked themselves a room at The Clipper Inn and started planning a little weekend away for themselves as well.

                                                                                          The End,

Under The Boardwalk
                                                         The Drifters

Oh the sun beats down and melts the tar up on the roof
And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fire-proof
Under the boardwalk down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby ... is where I'll be
From a park you hear the happy sounds from a carousel
You can almost taste the hotdogs and french fries they sell
Under the boardwalk down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby ... is where I'll be
Under the boardwalk out of the sun
Under the boardwalk we'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk people walking above
Under the boardwalk we'll be falling in love
Under the board-walk board-walk
Under the boardwalk down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby ... is where I'll be
Under the boardwalk out of the sun
Under the boardwalk we'll be having some fun
Under the boardwalk people walking above
Under the boardwalk we'll be falling in love

Friday, August 26, 2011

Solo Bueno - Pura Vida 08/12 - 21

Costa Rica = Amazing and I have no idea how I am going to capture the trip, but I am sure going to try. I managed to get a couple of things checked off the "bucket list" and those were going to Costa Rica, zip lining, staying somewhere you can only get to via boat or plane and taking a bus tour. I also managed to experience a few things I would have never imagined even adding to my “bucket list". I want to remember this trip forever, so I am going to try and outline the highlights of the way the tour was planned, adding my personal thoughts, with pricing along the way so I can see how much this tour actually cost and then the must remember highlights.

I equate a bus tour with a cruise. You are dealing with a variety of different people, you have orientation and you must have an endless amount of patience.

Day 1 - Depart from Dallas, change planes in Miami and Arrive in San Jose. The temperature is amazing; it probably never got above 80. We got on our bus shuttle to Aurola Holiday Inn, downtown San Jose (65.00 a night). http://www.aurolahotels.com/en/index.php We checked in our room. The view was great, beds were comfy, and indoor pool/hot tub area awesome, gym offered us a scale to check in weight before the trip started and the hotel was nicely decorated. We were very pleased and it was time to hit the pavement. We needed to purchase the essentials to start our vacation, get us some colons, food in our bellies, postage stamps and postcards. I always like to do this in the beginning of vacation, because I find that it always takes the entire trip to get them completed and mailed.

There are so many people. It reminded me of Korea on steroids. The cars were showing no remorse for the pedestrians and the pedestrians no concern for the automobiles. We were prepared and being the half hazard tourist we are we tried to walk in sync with the stop light color. It started to rain; thankfully I had a poncho and Jason a hat. He opted to man it up and appear as a local. I was the only one with a cover other than a few umbrellas. It took us almost all day to get some lunch ordered (Wendy's), stamps purchased from the post office (we could have got them at the hotel), money exchanged at the bank, drinks and postcards. We gave a high five and felt accomplished.

Orientation wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Our tour guide was dressed sharp and we were impressed. We made our way to the dinner buffet; it was seafood tonight and was provided as part of the tour. I can't even begin to describe what this food looked and smelt like. We were just thankful that we had Wendy's earlier. We tried to be optimistic, but the food wasn't going anywhere fast. If anything we felt bad that the waiters were picking up untouched plates from our table to trash. Jason was even trying to hide some it to make it looks as though we weren't being so wasteful. We decided to pass, make our way to the bar and only hope tomorrow would be better.

Gabriella was our bartender and she was a delight. We fell in love with her instantly. She was cute, full of energy, spoke good English and had a great voice. She was jamming out to 1053.0, I think it was. She made a point to emphasize on the .0. The bar was a welcoming sight with a great view of the city. We ordered us some drinks, pulled out the skip bo cards, post cards, address books and stamps. We had some stuff to get taken care of while enjoying ourselves. Jason managed to find a menu. We decided to order some chicken nachos that were fabulous. We were happy campers and off to bed to get ready for an early start in the morning.

Day 2 Depart from hotel, head to Poas Volcano (7.00), lunch, Cafe Britt Tour (10.00) and back to the Hotel. Breakfast at the hotel buffet wasn't much better than dinner, but that was okay since we don't really eat breakfast anyhow. Poas was amazing; we got some great pictures and enjoyed the walk. http://www.costarica-nationalparks.com/poasvolcanonationalpark.html Jason lost is sunglasses.  The views from the lunch venue were picturesque. There is something about the feel of the rain in Costa Rica. I was standing out on the covered terrace looking over the most beautiful country site when all off a sudden here comes the down pour and lighting. It comes and then it leaves. The coffee tour, tasting and sampling was awesome. http://www.coffeetour.com/ The tour guides were hilarious, the information was interesting and we managed to purchase enough products that we got free shipping, so gifts were being sent home with no hassle to us.

We got back to the hotel and the buffet didn't appear to be any better than the night before. Thank goodness lunch was okay and now we know we have the menu at the bar. We make our way back to hang out with Gabriella, have some drinks, order some food and listen to some great tunes on the radio. After we finish up here we decided to hit up the pool and hot tub for a night swim and hit the sack. It was time to pack up and head on to our second destination.

Day 3/4 Leaving San Jose, having lunch at a butterfly garden and heading to Tortuguero Pachira Lodge (289.00) Turtles (30.00) Zip Lining (30.00 & C.D 20.00).  http://www.pachiralodge.com/lodge.html We were driving through the continental divide on our way. I have never witnessed so much green. Pictures can't even begin to capture the awe in the scenery on this drive. I was probably jaw dropped and on the edge of my seat the entire time. Saying it was beautiful doesn't even begin to grasp what amazing views we got to see.

The butterflies were fun, we saw our first red poisonous frog and lunch was okay. We had started rating our food after the horrific Holiday Inn episode. Today got a rating of 4 out of 10. We based our numbers on the amount of items offered to eat and then how many we collectively liked. I was so excited to load our luggage up on the boat and head out to sleep in the rain forest. There was going to be no air conditioning, telephones, internet (or so I thought, but thankfully J didn't find it until the last day) or televisions. I don't have the option of turning my phone to wireless, so I turned mine off when we left Miami and didn't turn it on until we got back to Dallas. However, Jason was always looking for the Wi Fi and even paid for it. (tisk task)

Finally we arrive. I almost had an incident on the boat ride to the lodge. (no restrooms) I knew that beer was a bad idea. The food was great; there were so many animals, beautiful flowers and natural nature occurrences that my adrenaline was on high the entire stay. You could ask for a wakeup call in the mornings which consisted of someone knocking on your door to see if you wanted some coffee or hot chocolate. That is if the howler monkeys didn't wake you up first. We loved it all. We took boat tours, we saw the turtles laying her eggs on the beach at night, we zip lined, we spent countless hours with our flashlights looking for wildlife in the woods that our cabins were built in, and we went to the little town to shop and visited the Tortuguero National Park.

My favorite moments while we were here: Watching the spider monkey's making bridges for the babies to cross. If it wasn't her baby she would snap her tail up and the baby would have to wait for his/her momma to make a bridge. It was the cutest site ever. Jason paying to go to the restroom while we were in town. You would think if anyone would have to pay to go it would be me. The Cayman (part of the alligator family) in action trying to eat some fish and the rain pouring down on us while on the boat tour without our ponchos. The one time we forget to bring them and our camera because we were rushed from the zip lining tour. The amazing green back turtle laying her eggs. I will admit at first I thought it was a little gross and intrusive to her privacy, but then I got caught in the pure amazement of nature and wildlife. Did you know that a turtle will come back to the same beach she was born on to lay her eggs? It doesn't matter if it is 25 years later. They are so big, 200 to 300 pounds. The eggs are like a hardboiled egg. They lay up to 120. If one doesn't make it then none of them make it. This was probably the best 30 bucks I spent on the trip. The drunken late night conversation with J and me out on the dock. These are priceless in the content that is being shared. The tour guides were amazing. I did not like zip lining.

Day 5/6 Leaving Tortuguero, stopping at a banana plantation, a snazzy restaurant (that had some dancers with awesome costumes, a unique big tree(that we didn't look at) and a pretty river flow through the side), pineapple plantation and ending at La Fortuna and staying at Arenal Springs (145.00 night 22.00 meal). http://www.arenalspringshotel.com/  We learned that you should always buy the largest banana. It grows from top to bottom. The larger ones are at the top and provide the most nutrients. Ticos (that is what Costa Rican's call themselves) sale bananas on the level of which the banana is. The larger ones are the most expensive even though they are sold to us in the U.S. by the pound.  In order to keep them longer you should tear them apart and separate them, so that the natural gasses produced from a banana don't spread on to the next one causing it to go brown quicker. Banana bunches are referred to as hands, cause they do resemble the shape of them and it is NOT a banana tree. It is a banana plant.

The pineapple plantation we went to was ironically enough owned and created from Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana, TX. http://www.collinstreet.com/pages/finca_corsicana_home Finca Corsicana (which simply means Corsicana Farm in Spanish) is Collin Street Bakery's ambitious pineapple project in central Costa Rica.  It was founded in 1991, to guarantee only the highest quality pineapple and papaya for our baked goods. Now we need to make a day trip on over to Corsicana to try out this bakery. They distribute the pineapple through Dole. We learned how to pick out a ripe one and got to taste almost anything you can make out of pineapple. It was great fun.

Moving on to the resort. I found it was the excitement and anticipation of each adventure, finding out what the next place would be like. This breathtaking serene palace of beauty is just what we needed after a few days of "roughing" it in the rain forest. We had the most amazing view of the Arenal Volcano from our "front porch". There were two rocking chairs that were just perfect for sitting in and admiring the volcano. I had no true concept at how enormous a volcano really is. I am not really sure you can grasp it until you are around it. I thought it was so cool that the pool at the resort was filled with hot springs from the Arenal Volcano. They have to empty it out every night and clean it, so no late night swims, but the all natural warm water is good for your skin.

The next morning the tour was going on another boat road through Cano Negro, but we opted to stay at the resort. We wanted to sleep in, adventure around on our own and get some chocolate massages. We had breakfast with Angele; got her on her way for the daily tour and then we planned our day. I could probably write an entire blog on Angele. She was an 84 year old lady that was on the trip by herself. I kind of adopted her as my grandmother. Her husband of 43 years had died 3 years ago and this was her first trip to take. She was sad, lost and lonely. Jason was so kind, sweet and understanding to take her in with me.

Moving right along. We knew we wanted to get massages somewhere on the trip and this just seemed like the perfect place. I always like to do things that I wouldn't normally do while on vacation, so we thought a chocolate massage was fun and different. Boy was it just that. I am curious to get another one done somewhere to see how it compares. The Spa was divine. The room was part outside, part in, the breeze, the smell and well it was just the best 60 minutes of relaxation ever. Jason suggested I go first, so then I could lay out by the hot springs, relax and read some magazines. It was perfect.

We then hoped in a cab, headed to town for lunch and to meet back up with the group so we could go to Baldi hot springs hotel and spa for the rest of the day (27.00). http://www.fortunawelcome.com/hot-springs/baldi-costa-rica/#rates This tourist complex offers 25 different pools (differing in temperature from 35 degrees Celsius to 65 degrees Celsius), 3 wet bars, 2 restaurants, spa, sauna, private parking, changing facilities and a toboggan. They also have a pyramid with a most remarkable view of the entire Northern one of Costa Rica. We took Angele on a walk to the top and back, got her a place to settle in and then we got ready to hit the springs. We didn't even get settled in one before it started POURING down rain. It was thundering, lighting and gushing with floods. There is something about being partial naked, with no shoes or a comfort place to hide that sets in a little fear. I got scared. I didn’t' know if we should run for cover, for fear of being struck by lightning or stay put. The storm passed and we were fine. We got a good 30 minutes to enjoy the springs. It was an experience for sure. Time to head back to the resort for dinner. We had a full day pass for Baldi, so we could have went back. We decided to just chill out in our own hot springs at the resort, get a good nights rest, pack up and be ready to head on out to our next adventure.

Day 7/8 We said Hasta Luego to La Fortuna with another breathtaking scenic drive around the Volcano/Arenal Lake to head to do the hanging bridges, make a shopping stop in Liberia with ending at our day in Guanacaste at the J.W. Marriott. (225.00) http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/sjojw-jw-marriott-guanacaste-resort-and-spa/  I really enjoyed the hanging bridges. This is in my opinion the best way to hear, see and feel deep inside the rain forest. We saw some more monkey's, a ton of the red frogs and some snakes. It is really cool seeing all the animals in their own habitat. Hacienda Pinilla, now this place was luxury at its finest. We felt like a queen and king. It was just spectacular. There was a nature trail walk with the tour, but we wanted to spend as much time on the beach as we could, so we stayed around the hotel the entire time we were here. The food was delicious and the room had everything you could have hoped for. The beds were like sleeping on a cloud. We combed the beach, ventured in and out of the rocks, played in the sand, looked for seashells and most importantly laid out and caught a few rays.

Day 9/10 We headed back to San Jose to the Holiday Inn to have our farewell dinner, event, pictures and say our farewells to our new found travel friends. On our way back to San Jose we stopped for a Crocodile tour. http://www.crocodilerivertour.com/ This was like national geographic live. My saying of the trip was, "it is like going to the zoo every day in Costa Rica, but much better." We saw so many birds and huge crocodile's to itty bitty baby ones. Just when I thought the trip couldn't offer much more they pull out one more incredible thing to witness. The tour guide hops of the boat, gets on this island of mud with some chicken breast to feed the crocks right in front of us. I don't think I will ever forget the loud snap sound of the crocks mouth when he chomped down for an attempt to catch the bite of food.

I was exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel. We made our last dinner on the 17th floor at the fancy dinning. The show was great; we took our farewell photos and said good-bye to Angele. We had an early start tomorrow and it was time to get back home. Buenos Noches Costa Rica - Until we meet again

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I could not believe how long it had been since I had posted an entry. It amazes me how fast time really does fly. A viscous cycle it is, but what do ya do. I often wonder about who we are as adults. How much of it stems from what opportunities we were given as a child verses just the core of our soul. I know this sounds a little complex, but it isn’t really. Obviously we are more prone to be smarter and more successful if you are provided with better education, structure and human care. I want to take it a little deeper than that.

 It wasn’t long ago that I went to this young girls ballerina/dance recital. Her grandmother leaned over and whispered to me, did you take dance when you were little? I smiled and replied with a no. I couldn't help but think about the innocent question a little more and as usual getting lost in my thoughts. What if I did get to take dance when I was young? Then I began to wonder if this extra curricular activity that is absolutely priceless to watch these young girls doing was even available to take in my home town? I didn't think so, but I couldnt' say for certain. I remember one time when I was about four I had some tap dancing shoes that I absolutely loved. I would click and clank around in the house until they didn’t fit anymore. I remembered wishing I could take tap dance and how much fun it would be, but other than that is all I can recall.

I asked a childhood friend that was from a nearby and local town. She informed me that was not something that was offered. Possible through a church before she started school, but wasn’t real sure. 

Either way it brought me back to the thought that I find myself pondering at times of the life cycle that is said to be forming who we are as people. I have had a hard time ever understanding this.  You will hear people all the time blame issues on her parents being divorced, she was molested as a child, drugs and alcohol were around. I don't get it, my life was anything but peachy and I think I have turned out pretty darn good all on my own. These thoughts go right back in to the dancing. 

Do the little girls that have the opportunity to dance as children; are they a little more confidant when standing in front of the room while going through adolesences, youth to young adults? Does it teach them to hold thier head higher at a younger age or is it just fun for them, hummmm? I guess it is hard to say and the “picture” is much bigger than us, but I often feel that we are who we are going to be regardless of things that are given or aren't given to us.

Your soul is initially filled with being outgoing/shy loud/soft silly/serious. You may be fortunate and get the opportunity to be involved in things that bring out something that was already yours. Singing lessons to a person that is good at it and winds up being a professional singer or maybe you can sing stellar style, but it just takes you longer to get there without the lessons you could possible be given if you were a child of privilege verses singing lessons to a youngster that isn’t that good, but the lessons do help this kid to not be afraid to karaoke in a bar makes the deciding factor a little gray. I personally prefer back and white.

Either way I learn that we are constantly changing no matter the years of age or the things we weren’t or were provided with and that is the beauty of getting older, no matter how fast time seems to fly at least it comes with rewards!  

Belief- A conclusion is just the place you come to when you get tired of thinkin'.

One Year - June 6th 2011

Dear Jason,

I can’t believe it has already been a year. Time flies when you are having fun is no joke. When I look back over the past year I mainly think of our first, just because for the first time ever in my life I have experienced unconditional love and it was from you. Sometimes I contemplate pinching myself. Our relationship truly does seem surreal and way too easy for anything I have ever had to work with. I think we did an amazing job documenting it along the way. Let me take you on my journey of our first year.

June- My 1st balloon festival - Your 1st adventure at Lone Star Park
July- My 1st trip to the lake house and with your family
August- Our 1st trip with friends to the lake house and another trip with just us
September-Your 1st trip to the Improv
October-My 1st time to New Orleans, SMU & HP football game - Our 1st movie
November-Our 1st Thanksgiving together - Your 1st time to meet my family
December-Your 1st time to First Monday & Santa Land
January- My 1st time to a winery
February- My 1st SMU BB game - Our 1st time to the theater together
March- Our 1st 5K, trip to the Dallas Zoo
April- My 1st trip to the Dallas Arboretum – Our 1st time to forget our anni date

It was May 07, 2010 late at night when I stumbled upon you sitting in my neighbors living room. I had on two different shoes and was planning on asking her opinion which one I should wear, but to my surprise you were already there. I felt a little embarrassed, so I couldn’t help but smile, introduce myself with a hand shake. I have been smiling every since our eyes first met. I was instantly drawn to you. You were easy to talk to, polite, courtesy, funny, smelt divine and most importantly easy going. When I reflect back over this first night we met it was like we were already friends the connection was so natural.

It was spring and we were twitterpated. I am thankful that we spent months getting to know one another. We communicated in every avenue that was available. You were genuinely interested in getting to know all about me and I loved every moment of it. We were officially holding hands June 6, 2010. Life as I knew it hasn’t been the same.

The summer was full of lake trips, time out at the pool, walks at white rock, cook outs and trying to stay cool at my apartment. I think Carriage House will always be near and dear to our hearts. After all this is the place we initially met and we have made countless memories here. Rather it is watching T.V., playing games, doing laundry, cleaning, decorating, talking, watching movies, reading magazines or just sleeping this place has been our place to, just be.

The fall was a lot of family outings, football games and birthday parties. I turned 30 and had the best birthday ever, thanks to you. 

The spring has been about getting in shape, volunteering, trying out new places, Your  birthday and getting ready for the summer. I hope we get to take our first vacation together this summer to Costa Rica. We are constantly bringing new things in to one another’s life and experiencing new things together as well.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around (Leo Buscaglia)

This pairing brings two lovers of beauty and artful living. Libra has no problem steering the conversation, which suits Pisces just fine. Libra is intrigued by Pisces imaginative mind, and hangs on every thoughtful word. Pisces feel safe in the balance-seeking engagement style of Libra. Both see a devoted partner that won’t take advantage of their good qualities. Dates might be taking in cultural event, or an unhurried meal in an elegant, atmospheric restaurant. They soon sense the romantic in the other and willingly fall head over hills. For the long-term, this is a couple that keeps the romance alive. They both like to mark holidays and anniversaries, and neither show up without love offerings in hand. The sharing traits creates a nice balance. Libra helps Pisces find the words for their delicate thoughts.

My eyes are open to see you and closed to picture you!

Dear Chelsea Handler

Happy freaking Friday. I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to see if you could please sign and return? Here is the sob story to go with the request. My girlfriends and I had way too much Vodka or Chelseatinies, maybe it was the mix of that and not eating. =-) We were on a liquid diet this evening. I mean I was so excited. I wanted to see you the year before, but I was laid off and couldn’t justify spending money for entertainment. Anyhow, it was my best girlfriends 30th Birthday and we brought our books to get signed only to find out that you have to buy them there, so we bought more so we could get that beautiful wrist band.We were so excited to actually meet you, but with the long line, my bladder of a two year old, one too many beverages to even attempt to stand vertical and the stinky people in line, we just couldn’t do it.
So, I was looking at my bookshelf at all these books I have of yours because they have been sitting there since the night of your show and wondered what in the hell am I going to do with them. I have given a couple as gifts.  Meredith the girls 30th birthday we were celebrating just got back from a vacation in L.A. and she tried to get on your show to see if she could possible get one signed, but instead only wound up with a picture of your house. J We are so paparazzi aren’t we. 
Well, one evening after a few cocktails, not cock up my tails, but you know a nice refreshing tottie. My friends and I started talking. This is when all the good ideas come about. We thought that maybe if I sent the books to you with a paid envelope back, you would sign them for sure. So, here are the last two books. If you could please sign mine Kristina and the other one generically. I am not sure who is going to be the lucky lassie to get it. After all I am the only friend that would actually take the time to try and do this.
Even though I am sure it is your fan mail that returns them. I find humor in my actions. I am the last one out of the group that believes I will get something back, but I am also the only one who will take the time out of my day to do it either. Guess it has something to with that little space that never gives up on a surprise with in me!
Anyhow, Chelsea cheers to you and cheers to me, friends forever we shall be. If you should ever *&^$ me then *&^$ you and cheers to me. It is my old time college favorite! HA, seriously I appreciate the time and hope to see my books back with some john handcockcs in them!!!

Sincerely one dedicated fan,
Kristina Burkley
Dallas, TX 75214

Chelsea Handler
2118 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 1053
Santa Monica, CA

I am sending letter and pics to Chelsea with a return postage paid envelope. We shall see what happens.