Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Year - June 6th 2011

Dear Jason,

I can’t believe it has already been a year. Time flies when you are having fun is no joke. When I look back over the past year I mainly think of our first, just because for the first time ever in my life I have experienced unconditional love and it was from you. Sometimes I contemplate pinching myself. Our relationship truly does seem surreal and way too easy for anything I have ever had to work with. I think we did an amazing job documenting it along the way. Let me take you on my journey of our first year.

June- My 1st balloon festival - Your 1st adventure at Lone Star Park
July- My 1st trip to the lake house and with your family
August- Our 1st trip with friends to the lake house and another trip with just us
September-Your 1st trip to the Improv
October-My 1st time to New Orleans, SMU & HP football game - Our 1st movie
November-Our 1st Thanksgiving together - Your 1st time to meet my family
December-Your 1st time to First Monday & Santa Land
January- My 1st time to a winery
February- My 1st SMU BB game - Our 1st time to the theater together
March- Our 1st 5K, trip to the Dallas Zoo
April- My 1st trip to the Dallas Arboretum – Our 1st time to forget our anni date

It was May 07, 2010 late at night when I stumbled upon you sitting in my neighbors living room. I had on two different shoes and was planning on asking her opinion which one I should wear, but to my surprise you were already there. I felt a little embarrassed, so I couldn’t help but smile, introduce myself with a hand shake. I have been smiling every since our eyes first met. I was instantly drawn to you. You were easy to talk to, polite, courtesy, funny, smelt divine and most importantly easy going. When I reflect back over this first night we met it was like we were already friends the connection was so natural.

It was spring and we were twitterpated. I am thankful that we spent months getting to know one another. We communicated in every avenue that was available. You were genuinely interested in getting to know all about me and I loved every moment of it. We were officially holding hands June 6, 2010. Life as I knew it hasn’t been the same.

The summer was full of lake trips, time out at the pool, walks at white rock, cook outs and trying to stay cool at my apartment. I think Carriage House will always be near and dear to our hearts. After all this is the place we initially met and we have made countless memories here. Rather it is watching T.V., playing games, doing laundry, cleaning, decorating, talking, watching movies, reading magazines or just sleeping this place has been our place to, just be.

The fall was a lot of family outings, football games and birthday parties. I turned 30 and had the best birthday ever, thanks to you. 

The spring has been about getting in shape, volunteering, trying out new places, Your  birthday and getting ready for the summer. I hope we get to take our first vacation together this summer to Costa Rica. We are constantly bringing new things in to one another’s life and experiencing new things together as well.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around (Leo Buscaglia)

This pairing brings two lovers of beauty and artful living. Libra has no problem steering the conversation, which suits Pisces just fine. Libra is intrigued by Pisces imaginative mind, and hangs on every thoughtful word. Pisces feel safe in the balance-seeking engagement style of Libra. Both see a devoted partner that won’t take advantage of their good qualities. Dates might be taking in cultural event, or an unhurried meal in an elegant, atmospheric restaurant. They soon sense the romantic in the other and willingly fall head over hills. For the long-term, this is a couple that keeps the romance alive. They both like to mark holidays and anniversaries, and neither show up without love offerings in hand. The sharing traits creates a nice balance. Libra helps Pisces find the words for their delicate thoughts.

My eyes are open to see you and closed to picture you!

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