Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I could not believe how long it had been since I had posted an entry. It amazes me how fast time really does fly. A viscous cycle it is, but what do ya do. I often wonder about who we are as adults. How much of it stems from what opportunities we were given as a child verses just the core of our soul. I know this sounds a little complex, but it isn’t really. Obviously we are more prone to be smarter and more successful if you are provided with better education, structure and human care. I want to take it a little deeper than that.

 It wasn’t long ago that I went to this young girls ballerina/dance recital. Her grandmother leaned over and whispered to me, did you take dance when you were little? I smiled and replied with a no. I couldn't help but think about the innocent question a little more and as usual getting lost in my thoughts. What if I did get to take dance when I was young? Then I began to wonder if this extra curricular activity that is absolutely priceless to watch these young girls doing was even available to take in my home town? I didn't think so, but I couldnt' say for certain. I remember one time when I was about four I had some tap dancing shoes that I absolutely loved. I would click and clank around in the house until they didn’t fit anymore. I remembered wishing I could take tap dance and how much fun it would be, but other than that is all I can recall.

I asked a childhood friend that was from a nearby and local town. She informed me that was not something that was offered. Possible through a church before she started school, but wasn’t real sure. 

Either way it brought me back to the thought that I find myself pondering at times of the life cycle that is said to be forming who we are as people. I have had a hard time ever understanding this.  You will hear people all the time blame issues on her parents being divorced, she was molested as a child, drugs and alcohol were around. I don't get it, my life was anything but peachy and I think I have turned out pretty darn good all on my own. These thoughts go right back in to the dancing. 

Do the little girls that have the opportunity to dance as children; are they a little more confidant when standing in front of the room while going through adolesences, youth to young adults? Does it teach them to hold thier head higher at a younger age or is it just fun for them, hummmm? I guess it is hard to say and the “picture” is much bigger than us, but I often feel that we are who we are going to be regardless of things that are given or aren't given to us.

Your soul is initially filled with being outgoing/shy loud/soft silly/serious. You may be fortunate and get the opportunity to be involved in things that bring out something that was already yours. Singing lessons to a person that is good at it and winds up being a professional singer or maybe you can sing stellar style, but it just takes you longer to get there without the lessons you could possible be given if you were a child of privilege verses singing lessons to a youngster that isn’t that good, but the lessons do help this kid to not be afraid to karaoke in a bar makes the deciding factor a little gray. I personally prefer back and white.

Either way I learn that we are constantly changing no matter the years of age or the things we weren’t or were provided with and that is the beauty of getting older, no matter how fast time seems to fly at least it comes with rewards!  

Belief- A conclusion is just the place you come to when you get tired of thinkin'.

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