Friday, April 13, 2012


Church on Sunday, I learned a few things and was reminded of some others.
                                             Neo vs Kainos
Neo – something new example ipod – we did not have them before
Kainos – this world restored – we have it and make it better 

The Reverend states “Good people don’t go to Heaven, but forgiven people do”

I personally found the statement to be rather bold, because I feel that we always think we need to be “good” to be faithful, but the thought of living your life just being forgiven and possible restored is a lot easier to grasp and maintain. I noticed on Julie Covington’s facebook page status she had updated that she was going to be enjoying this beautiful place, the earth that the Lord has given us on her Sabbath day. I smiled and thought what a great way to look, acknowledge and appreciate the day. The weather was gorgeous. I have always believed that you did not have to physically go to church in order to praise. I think it is something I was told as a child, so it was easily justified to others for not taking me. As an adult I still think that as long as I have a relationship with the lord I am in good grace. I also feel that going to church is therapeutic and even though some people may think you do not have to physically go to praise I think you should. It is kind of like going to the Dentist, you can brush, mouthwash and floss daily. If you did all of those things you would not have to go for six month checkups, but it does just feel good to go.

I have had the hardest time trying to find a Church to call my own. I am ready to join one, but have not one that fits my nitch. It was many years ago when I would go to this church Heartland in Irving, TX with my friend and I enjoyed this place of worship like I had never before. I thought about going back there, but I want to find one closer to home. It has been easier to just go to the one Jason has always gone to, but I have been trying to do some what I call church shopping to see other places out there. I will say after last Sunday that I may like J’s church a little more than I thought I did. I have joined up to learn more about becoming a member and to see about joining a small group. I am excited to get a little more involved.
What is it that makes the Church you attend feel like your Church home?

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