Friday, September 7, 2012

Where’s your head at – Basement Jaxx

Monkey Business
I’m Nick Jones of Urban Urban Magazine based in London, the premier electronic dance music (EDM) magazine. In a previous life, I was an internationally touring DJ, considered by some to have been one of the top 3 EDM DJs in the world. Now retired, I serve as the technology editor for Urban Urban.  I search for and research the latest innovations in music technology.  Several months ago I received an email from a Dr. Heinz Sinnreich, a German research scientist. He indicated that he’d developed something that would revolutionize pop music. He invited me to his lab to witness this development in action.  He was vague and evasive, and a research scientist involved in music innovation was an odd occurrence, but my curiosity was piqued.

I caught a cab and gave the driver the address Sinnreich had provided. The driver gave me a strange look, but proceeded to drive me to an industrial area an hour east of London. As he pulled into an alley next to an ambulance I asked “Man, are you sure this is the right place” He replied ominously “Yes, sir. I’ve been here before.”

As I entered the building strange things began. A man was being wheeled out to the ambulance with a guitar in his hand. As he lifted his head he seemed to stare right through me. Continuing down the hall, I passed nurses and doctors in lab coats carrying more instruments. Something different was definitely going on here. I entered a room off the hall where several doctors were convening. “Hey I’m looking for Dr. Sinnreich. I’m Nick Jones.” Dr. Sinnreich introduced himself and the other doctors exited the room. 
We moved to Dr. Sinnreich’s office, where his tall, blonde assistant joined us. A stuffed monkey was seated next to my chair and a quick glance around the room informed me that monkeys were probably going to be the central theme of this quacks research. He began detailing for me his innovation, known as “Monktronika.” I was done with this visit almost instantly, teaching animals to play instruments is nothing new and is no innovation at all. Sensing my lack of interest and disdain the doctor quickly asked me for 10 more minutes of my time to allow him to provide me a demonstration.

I was led down a makeshift hallway that resembled a gerbil’s habit trail, which ended in a protective box. When I asked why this was necessary they abruptly replied “It’s protocol.” The demonstration began. Whatever I expected, this was definitely not it. The “Monktronika” musicians were no ordinary monkeys. I wasn’t sure what the hell they were.  It took me a moment to get past my astonishment, but I soon realized that these monkeys had faces that were eerily human. The music was truly amazing, but what the hell had these people done? What had they created? The Monktronica musicians were spinning records, playing keyboards, strumming guitars and most bizarre, their humanesq faces were singing vocals! This was definitely an amazing accomplishment for both science and music. I must admit I got quite caught up in experience.   

This elation did not last long. Things suddenly took a terrible turn. The monktronica band became highly agitated and began destroying their instruments. Before I could react they had descended upon my protective, habit trail box. Monkey paws were ripping at the box and punching through the plastic. I looked for an escape and ran back down the habit trail hallway looking for an exit. The first double doors I came upon were locked. Turned, ran the other direction. I next stumbled upon a lab with an experiment in progress.  A man and a monkey were seated side by side. My eyes were immediately drawn to the metal helmets both were wearing. The helmets were connected to one another via electric cables. I now knew what was going on. I stumbled around the room trying to figure out what to do and how this was happening. The monkey growled and gnashed his teeth at me. There were scientific flow charts indicating the process of this horrible experiment. A man in a lab coat who was running this process was in possession of my bag, which I had left in Dr. Sinnreich’s office. He was sorting through my possessions. There was a picture of me posted nearby and next to it… a photo of a monkey. They wanted my brain! I had to get out of there. I grabbed my bag from the clutches of the lab coated man and jumped through a window like opening landing on my hand and knees. Looking down at me in this next room were 4 human men, but they had clearly ape like features and faces. As I scrambled to leave Dr. Sinnreich approached from the hallway with a dog on a leash, only this dog also had a human face melted on to his canine body.  The last thing I remember as my human self was huddling at the end of that hallway.

Have you figured it out?

I am currently writing the essay at the behest of Dr. Sinnreich, for evidently, I am his greatest achievement!  This would also explain my new, quite hairy appendage!  A TAIL!!!

“What a wonderfully unexpected day. We had our third yard sale this season. We meaning Jason and I. Ruby graced us with her attendance this time around. We had a pretty successful day if I say so myself. Other than the incident we had with the the darn thief that took her phone without permission and well did not return it either.Moving on to the evening Jason had a paper that was due for class and Ruby being so eager to show her scholastic skills offered to help and even volunteered Spud since the paper had to do with music interpretation. I thought the paper above was extremely entertaining and thoroughly enjoyed watching the three off them fight off mosquitos, exchange shots of whisky and keep the thought process moving forward. Hey and after all the fun, Jason managed to score an A-. June 2012“

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bathroom VS Kristina

I got so frustrated with my bathroom this morning. I have had the sniffles all week and this is not how I intended my day to start. My apartment is so damn small. I must stay organized in order to find anything. After time it is just easier to get lazy and trash things in the back of the cabinet. You know how you just stuff, shove and shut the door hoping it settles before you need to open it again. I think we have all been there. Anyhow, I was fed up when I could not find my baby powder this morning. Grrrrr…. To only see it was right in front of my face the entire time. I started looking around at the bathroom floor to see maxi pads, boxes of q-tips, an assortment of travel baggies and just some other miscellaneous items. I had just been pulling stuff out of everywhere. I instantly started to giggle inside and out. I quickly grabbed some of the items to place back inside the cabinets. A brief moment of being juvenile swept over me and I felt the need to hide my behavior with the cluster behind the closed door. Whatever may have happened I realized that the bathroom and I would be going to war as soon as I got home from work. I will win. I was in no mood to mess with this right now.

Bathroom cleaning has begun, shower and bath first. I am on round two with my scrubble bubbles and trusty brush when I think to myself how disappointed my mom would be in me if she saw this nasty tub. If she taught me anything, it was that one must always keep a clean bathroom, sheets on the bed and remember to kill with kindness. I couldn’t let another moment pass, so I took a break and made sure to send her a letter and that letter is what brought me to this blog entry. Besides I needed a break and the grunge needs to soak. I was working on a solid honey do list. I sure do enjoy making that list, especially when my honey do likes to get them marked off as quickly as possible. Writing my mom is like having a pen pal and it is kind of fun. Especially when I think that I may possible bring a smile to her face. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy and to have all I felt she deserved. I had to learn along the way sometimes what you think may make someone happy is not really what does. So, you have to let them be and allow them to be in charge for their own happiness.

I would call bathroom vs Kristina a tie, because I only got half of it completed. However, since I didn’t get the other half done until 5 days later I will say the bathroom won. Gosh darn it, better luck next time or perhaps I do not let it get so bad next time. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Check Mark

Jason and I had a great time having some dinner at The Melting Pot. We had both been to Simply Fondue before, but it had been 10 plus years for each of us. We have been talking about going to either one for probably about as long as our relationship has been in existence. We were out a couple days prior having our number one luxury, Sushi and I suggested that we just go ahead and plan to do some fondue on Friday night. Did we really have the money, NO? Was there even a special occasion to use for justification for such a lavish dinner, NO? We were able to find some amazing coupons to help make it a little cheaper, NO? Sometimes you just got to go for it and so we did. We had a great time, one of the 8 menus they hand you in the beginning stumped us a little and if we went back we could probably make better decisions on what to order. Most importantly to me is that we did it and we experienced something new together. That is what life is about to me. Making memories, learning new things and experiencing all the cool things this world has to offer us. 
Jason being a trooper for Kristina's photo shoot - Documentation is a must!

Banana Foster's = Very Yummy

If you were to ask me Melting Pot or Simply Fondue I would say Simply Fondue. I think Jason would agree. It has been awhile since we have been there, but we both kind of remembered it being the same. Melting pot is a more luxurious fondue dining experience if that is what you are looking for. Simply you kind of get down and dirty on the cooking the side. I think the pricing on both is comparable if I recall correctly. So make sure you to take a day and go and do something that you said you have been wanting to and never did. I think you will be glad you did.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Frame

I had an idea and then again I have lots of ideas. However, this wasn’t just an idea it was something I put to work and still plan on putting to work more, but I have slacked off some.  To me I thought the idea was blog worthy and something I wanted to remember.

The FRAME – This is a very popular concept now, but it was not every  where when I first thought of it. I found this old frame that I had seen used to capture a picture in a magazine, cute idea. I wanted to do that , but I also wanted to take the frame, paint some stuff on the side walk and make cards out of them. I did and then I decided I wanted to create the story of the frame. It would take the journey with us and capture lots of different things. We got a go green wine bottle bag (you know they have six compartments in them), filled it up with different colors of can spray paint, so we could change the color as we wanted. Then the frame got wobble and started coming apart. We tried to fix her, but she just was not looking good. I hated that we did not get to keep that frame for the rest of the story, but now I am looking for another one and get to start a new story. We always know how exciting a new story can be.  Maybe we will get a little more creative with the next frame. Who knows, either way I like the idea.

What ideas do you have for The FRAME? 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What do you see?

I created my very own vision board. I am not sure I have it down all the way, but it is a starting point for sure. I had fun making it. You may ask your self what is a vision board?

vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.

It has been such a struggle for me to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I thought this may be something good to help me. I certainly know it isn't going to hurt. Some may call it kind of cheesy, I say it is out of my head and now on paper. I was amazed to see that there are actual technology tools to help you create these things. 

Insight to what my board means -  The name of my board is Finding the JOB for me. I had emailed it to a couple of my biggest fans. One instantly emails me with why on earth does it say alone? She reminds me how many people I have in my life and that I am far from being alone. I find it interesting to see that is what she thinks so quickly. The alone is for how I feel at the office and in my "career" and my fulfillment of what I want out of work. The rest is pretty easy. Graduating college was a major accomplishment for me. I felt very proud. I enjoy organizing, working on the computer, taking a risk, thinking, imagining, growing, traveling, recycling, keeping work and life balance is major and possible making some pals at the office. Maybe I am asking for too much or maybe you should be more thankful for what you have. 

Friday, April 13, 2012


Church on Sunday, I learned a few things and was reminded of some others.
                                             Neo vs Kainos
Neo – something new example ipod – we did not have them before
Kainos – this world restored – we have it and make it better 

The Reverend states “Good people don’t go to Heaven, but forgiven people do”

I personally found the statement to be rather bold, because I feel that we always think we need to be “good” to be faithful, but the thought of living your life just being forgiven and possible restored is a lot easier to grasp and maintain. I noticed on Julie Covington’s facebook page status she had updated that she was going to be enjoying this beautiful place, the earth that the Lord has given us on her Sabbath day. I smiled and thought what a great way to look, acknowledge and appreciate the day. The weather was gorgeous. I have always believed that you did not have to physically go to church in order to praise. I think it is something I was told as a child, so it was easily justified to others for not taking me. As an adult I still think that as long as I have a relationship with the lord I am in good grace. I also feel that going to church is therapeutic and even though some people may think you do not have to physically go to praise I think you should. It is kind of like going to the Dentist, you can brush, mouthwash and floss daily. If you did all of those things you would not have to go for six month checkups, but it does just feel good to go.

I have had the hardest time trying to find a Church to call my own. I am ready to join one, but have not one that fits my nitch. It was many years ago when I would go to this church Heartland in Irving, TX with my friend and I enjoyed this place of worship like I had never before. I thought about going back there, but I want to find one closer to home. It has been easier to just go to the one Jason has always gone to, but I have been trying to do some what I call church shopping to see other places out there. I will say after last Sunday that I may like J’s church a little more than I thought I did. I have joined up to learn more about becoming a member and to see about joining a small group. I am excited to get a little more involved.
What is it that makes the Church you attend feel like your Church home?

Monday, April 9, 2012

What a SaD Day......

Very Disappointed… Heavy on my mind and deep in my heart….Written 06/2011

Sometimes no matter how bad you want it to be, there comes a time when you have to come to terms with the facts of what it really is. People have no issues showing you who they really are. The problem is that we have a hard time just believing what they show us. We make justifications and allow them excuses to help us to be okay with who they really are. I mainly write this entry as a reminder for myself. I may be good at putting people in certain categories, but I am even better at forgetting, forgiving and allowing one more try to hope for a change.

I remember at some point in high school I wanted to make sure and keep all the despicable letters my mother would write to me, so that when I would find myself giving her another chance I could read those to remind me that she has always shown me who she really is and just because she gave birth to me does not make her a mom. The hurt from my father is deep and unfortunately I don't have anything tangible to hold on to, so that I can be reminded. I can feel better for writing this and have it to look back on.

It was May 16th and a couple of weeks after my father's birthday. Over my life I have given him endless chances to try and be a “Dad”. Every time he manages to betray, lie, hide or just disrespect and disappoint me. This was going to be his last time I tried with him. I had been giving him and our relationship all I could. I had worked so hard on his birthday present. I was so proud of it and couldn't wait to give it to him. The feeling probably equates to a kid bringing home the artwork project that they made in school.  I just knew he was going to be ecstatic once he opened it. I even took extra care in the wrapping I used. I couldn't wait to see the smile on his face.

He is a truck driver, so sometimes it is hard to sync up our schedules and visits. I am more than used to this since it has been my entire life of when I may or may not get to see him. We had been talking back and forth for weeks to try and figure out just the right day. We finally had it all squared away. I made plans accordingly. This is probably one of the first birthdays I can remember celebrating with my dad, getting him a gift and being happy about it.

He had finally separated from crazy ex wife number three, so we could have a relationship again. No, he did not separate from her for me; they just separated cause of other reasons. I was just knew since they were not together anymore that we could now talk again. We have been talking almost daily for months. I had even taken J over to meet him. Actually, we had been over to his place a couple of times. We were helping him with his computer. Gosh, I almost put together a plan to buy him one even though I do not even have one. HA, I laugh at how dumb I can be sometimes. 

Then it happens and he calls me the morning of our visit to cancel on me. Evidentially his other child and ex-wife are coming up for a visit. The other part being the people that have been so incredible mean to me that I have been done with giving them another chance long ago. The other part was a part that my father was not supposed to be a part of, but now all of a sudden after 25 years he is going to be.  Needless to say I was just a little hurt.  I am a firm believer that it is important to protect yourself or your children first. If you do not who else will?

I always swore if my father was around more growing up that I would be a daddy's girl. If I was anything like either one of my parents it was him. I was certain I was nothing like the woman who called herself my mother.You should always forgive, but maybe not so forgetting. Remember what brought you to that place you did not want to be and make sure it does not happen again. I know I will and am proud of myself for making sure. It is hard when you do not have anyone in your life that has no parents or such crappy ones because they cannot relate to what you are going through at all. They cannot understand how you do not forgive and forget. To them it is your parents and your family. You should all love one another, always no matter. I have to fight to stay true to what I know is real and this is a sad day, but it was real and needs to be around for me to always remember.

I had to question if I should refer to him as my father or just by his name. I decided to look up the definition of father to make that decision for me. I suppose per the definition he is my father. A father is defined as a male parent of any type of offspring.[1] The adjective "paternal" refers to father, parallel to "maternal" for mother. The verb "to father" means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the gerund "fathering".

Saturday April 7th, 2012 my Dad sends me a text that says I miss you all the time with a blinking heart. This is almost a year later. He has tried to contact me several times throughout the year, but I have declined to reply. I wonder what it is about Saturday that made me do so. I remember that I had this blog, but never posted it. I read it again and well it did not really help. What would you do?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Just old enough

A wise woman told me, you will always only be as old as you feel (Kathie Conway). As I get older I only find how much truth this simple statement really has. I think of this when I think of the tutus that I made and we wore for St. Patrick’s Day this year. Tutu’s are the new “it” wear for little girls. They are so cute, and come in such a variety and you will see these lil tots wearing them for every occasion. I used to smile and wish I could get away with such a thing.

I knew as soon as we decided we were going to make a day of the parade that I wanted to wear one. It was going to be this or Halloween that would provide me the opportunity to be able to wear something out of the norm for a 30 something year old. Weather is more permitting in March than October. Immediately I started looking on eBay, Etsy and on line in general. I wasn’t having much luck finding some for “big” girls to wear. When I did find one they would cost a little more than I really wanted to pay for some fun. I was so shocked when I told my girlfriends about my idea and how they responded with pure joy of wanting one for them to wear as all. The reaction made me smile. I bet there are a handful of “older” females having the same desire to wear a tutu. I often find that you may think you are the only one taking a nap in the bathroom stall during work, but in reality there are others doing  the same exact thing. The desire to wear a tutu at an adult age, not odd at all.

Jason suggested that I make the tutus. I laughed and instantly squashed the idea. I had no knowledge on how to do that or an idea where to begin. You must remember I am about as square as a box can get and creativity is not my forte. He then proceeded to remind me that I may not know how, but he was certain Pinterest would be able to show me. Oh yes there were a ton of ideas and he was so right. While I am on the subject of Pinterest, I also just recently learned that it is a great format to utilize in expanding your career portfolio. I made a point to go ahead and create me another board. Now when I read articles I have the option of adding them to my FB, Twitter and Pinterest account. Technology is pretty amazing and I was excited to see Pinterest getting so much rave.

Back to the topic on hand and moving right along. I got the supplies (with some extra help from Sam Mauldin), printed the how to off of Pinterest and went to being crafty. I was going to be making three of these creations of tulle.  They were so easy, quick to put together and probably cost about 10.00 a piece to make. If I may brag for just a moment they were beyond being just a hit. I have yet to ever get as many compliments as I did on this skirt. We had so much fun wearing them not to mention that fact I secretly got to full fill my wish of wanting to wear a tutu. Now when I see little girls in there bedazzled outskirts I just smile and think to myself how I now know how much fun they have prancing around in the fringe. I will share with you the pictures of my supplies and the girls that aren’t afraid to be only as old as they feel. Cheers to forever being a kid at heart. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Killing a couple of birds with one stone

You may describe someone as a tree hugger, go green activist, recyclers, resourceful, humble, frugal or just down right smart. You may even have a better word to describe them based on certain actions. Whatever it may be you can certainly call me that. It was a few years back that I decided I could not trash my pickle jars. They just seem too durable of an item to use for something else. I was not sure what, but I was not going to discard them with items that suite the description of trash. I love pickles and think they go fabulous with every meal. There are so many different choices and I find that each brand that carry the same flavor has its own distinct touch as well.

I started off using them as drinking glasses. They clean easy and are hard to break. I wound up with more than enough drinking glasses, so I started to Google more uses for them. Pinterest was not so prevalent at this time. I did however find a few more around the house uses for them. I got to a point where I figured I had enough pickle jar accents floating around my 660 square foot den. I decided to just start stashing them away in the far back hard to reach cabinet area. They would come to use someday. Maybe I will host a party or give them as a gift. I was browsing Pinterest one day and came across a couple of ideas I decided to incorporate in one and finally get to utilize my jars. I think the pictures tell the story of how I got to use my pickle jars. I was able to give the girls in the office a gift for Valentine's Day. I got compliments and praise for them. I cleaned out my cabinet. I had fun and felt a little creative. This is a lot to get out of one project. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Favorite Things

I think it is important to make note of our favorite things. If I were Oprah and gave out my favorite things, some of these items would be what you would get. What are some of your favorite things?
  • Skittles
  • Clarisonic Mia
  • Soniccare toothbrush
  • Grapefruit body wash and shampoo from Origins
  • Napoleon lipstick (Olympia)
  • Edamame
  • Silver hoop earrings (James Avery)
  • Calvin Klein black pumps
  • V8 Berry Splash
  • Pistachios nuts
  • Hot rollers
  • Plastic white hangers
  • Cookies and Cream 
  • Brita water pitcher
  • Funky Socks
  • Stride Spark with B+6 B+12 Kinetic Fruit
  • Niven Morgan Gold hand cream
  • InStyler

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Travel with the Family

Jason's family was kind enough to extend me an invite to join them on this family trip to San Francisco, CA. My first thought was how incredibly sweet of them. Second, can Jason and I even go. Third, was my love for this city. I had the good fortune of visiting ole San Fran, with my child hood best friend back in 2005. I was there for two weeks for work, she came up to visit me and we made a vacation out of it. I had fallen in love and could not wait to go back. 

Can you guess the picture that was taken in 2005 and then again 2012? Negh, I did not think so. Ha, it was great to be back. 

We flew Virgin America and that airline has certainly grasped the new age of flying. They have purple LED lights throughout the plane. There is a digital flat screen on the back of each seat, just a few touches and you have order placed, and delivered. They were having a special promotion and we got to have free Wi-Fi and use the Google chrome notebook they were handing out. I found humor in watching the hesitation and caution in people at the terminal to go check one of the computers out when they used the "it is free" to promote. We learn quickly in life that nothing is ever free, but this really was. Everyone was settled on the aircraft, seats were comfy and a flawless flight to start the trip off with. Jason's nieces were 100% set with all this to keep them busy for the next three hours. Every parent wants air transportation like this when traveling with the little ones. We were good to go. 

It always amazes me when you visit a city again and again and you did as much as you possible could the first time, but you go back to almost the exact same area and see how much you missed and get an entire new experience. This is the beauty in travel. I usually scan over my pictures and or credit card charges to figure out where all I went on a trip, however one of the biggest lessons I learned from this trip is that when you travel with family you are not exactly as in control as you may normally be. I know I do not have every place listed that we ate and visited, but this is the majority of the for a first time for sure.
  • Caffe Puccini - Little Italy -sidewalk with heaters, J was kind enough to take an hour to pick out for our last lunch, I wanted just the "right" place
  • Ghirardelli We went twice, once for shopping and looking - Second to get some sweets
  • Cellar 360 -Wine tasting in Ghirardelli square
  • Fishermen's Grotto #9 -Lunch with a view
  • California Academy of Science -Amazing
  • @ Far East Cafe -China Town 
  • Buena Vista - Irish coffee's and delish lunch
  • Jacks Pub - making friends with fellow travelers
  • Fisherman's Warf - Finally got to see the famous Sea Lions
  • Alioto's waterside cafe - Our first stop for some much needed lunch and seafood 
  • Trolley - got passes and rode them all over the city

The weather was beautiful definitely a lot cooler/windier than it was in October when my first visit occurred. I got a little glimpse of what family travel can be like. There is one thing you are guaranteed when traveling with Jason's family. That is that you will have some yummy food and that we did for sure. I am more in love with this place than I was before and cannot wait to go back and do more new things. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

2011 was like Heaven

I don’t think I have ever felt as much peace with myself as I did chiming in to 2011. It truly was magical.  Jason and I packed our bags left the city and headed to the lake house. We planned on spending the next 4 days, cooking, being lazy, putting a puzzle together, taking some walks, popping some fireworks and just have fun being together. This is exactly what we did. It was wonderful.

I read over my blog from 2010 before I started writing this one. I noted that my hopes for 2011 were to get a permanent job, to be more physically fit, to have that last little debt paid off, to be more involved in church (or at least going more regularly), to be active in my sorority alumnae group and to take a vacation like I never have.

I was overwhelmed with happiness when I realized how well I did. I got a permanent job; my first day was October 31st with Worldwide Express. Jason and I joined a gym and work out at least 3 times a week if not 4. It was just this past Sunday that we walked 2.1 miles to get to Harry’s and 2.1 miles to get back home. It was great fun. I did not get that last bit of debt paid off, but that is only because I took a vacation like I never have and I am okay with this. At least I did not accrue more debt and have almost got the other paid off and will for sure have it gone in 2012. Jason and I did go to Church a lot more, we have been I guess you would say Church shopping.  Looking for one that we both enjoy has been a bit of a challenge since we would prefer to just have one and go. Finding different ones that are close in distance, but represent our religion beliefs is important. We did however get a couple Angel’s off the tree this year and I was very happy about that. Not only was I more active in my sorority I was on a committee for Cookies and Castles at Scottish rite’s Children Hospital. I also joined a book club with the alumnae group. Costa Rica for the vacation was more than I could have ever imagined for. 2011 you were really good to me and I am so thankful for it.

The things that stand out to me the most about 2011 have been captured in a blog I am certain. I kind of figured out that I like to share monumental moments for me with everyone else. Therapeutic I think. However, if I did not read back and just went over the year in my head my highlights over all verses specific would be that we are always looking for new things to try, places to go and foods to eat. I am so happy we do this. I created a dining out club that we eat out some place new the first Friday of every month. I have built of a nice clientele of babysitting clients, enjoy it and think it will only grow to as much as I want it to. Donating 14 inches of my hair was a good deed for sure, but I hate it being short and I am not sure I would ever do it again. I do not regret doing it. Being more involved for Christmas. It was not bad at all. I got a Clarisonic for my face for my birthday and I am in love with it. I think every girl should have one.

On a personal note I have realized that my wants for happiness have changed a bit over the past year. I think it may have something to do with the beauty of that thing called age. Finding my best friend in Jason caused a lot less hardships on the friend o meter this year. Rather it was him or growing older I do not care I am just happy the drama is out of my life. I have a close and secure net of friends. I love them dearly and know how lucky I am to have them.  There have been some friends from the past that have become better friends and that is exciting, but over all I have a happy medium and that makes me feel blessed.

For 2012 I pray to get that debt paid off, be in better shape, and have fewer vices, yard sale, to have found a church (or going to ONE more regularly) and to do a little more with my apartment. I always want for good health and love in my relationship as well. If 2012 gets any better than 2011 I cannot possible imagine what it must feel like. I smile with anticipation.

 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

New International Version (NIV)
 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.